Choose a Workflow Pattern

Choose a Workflow Pattern

There are several different workflow patterns to choose from, including the following:

The Workflow is Initiated Manually by a Control Message

In this common scenario, you activate the workflow by sending a control message (CM) into the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message default stream.

Workflow pattern

You can then track your data processing in the Message Center Console.

In this scenario, you should use the simple Begin shape at the start of your IWS solution without any specific options.
The begin shape looks like this:

Some of the activities can be executed once they have been activated by a CM (for e.g. Extract + Transform). Others need an incoming data file and stay pending after activation until you send the data matching a defined file mask into the default eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_ndfa stream or into a specific folder.

This scenario is for one-time activation of the workflow. As soon as it is executed, it "turns off" and you should send a new CM every time you want it to activate.

Send Data into a Common Stream

To have the created stream process a data file, right-click the stream name an d click Send Data. In the pop-up window, choose your data file.
To check how your data file has been processed, you should go to the File Statistics section of Message Center Console and tune the filter settings. Click Search and in the Query Results you will find your file and its processing history (refresh the results if necessary).

One File Can Come at Any Time, Processing Should Occur Immediately (also known as Bundle Based)

In this scenario, a data file can arrive at any time and as soon as it arrives, you want to process it.
You should use the simple Begin shape at the start of your IWS solution and enable the Bundle-based option in it. You can find the Bundle-based option under Properties:

Bundle-based option in Properties dialog

The Bundle-based option lets the workflow activate and process the file matching the filemask specified without any control messages.

Multiple Files Can Come at Any Time, Processing Should Occur Immediately

In this scenario, multiple files can arrive at once at any time and you need to be able to process them immediately. Also, you don't necessarily know how many files are coming at any given time.
Use Begin with clock and enable the Auto-Restart on End option in it.
This is the begin with clock shape: 
You can find the Auto-Restart on End option under Properties.

File Can Come at Anytime, Processing Should Occur Immediately and Incoming Data is Archived

In this scenario,  data file can arrive at any time and as soon as it arrives, you want to process it.  The twist here is that the incoming data is archived, so you must unzip it first before processing.
Use Begin  and enable the Bundle-based option in it.
The next shape after Begin should be Task Unpacker. It unzips the incoming archive into a folder and then the unzipped files in any way. 
You do not need any control messages to activate this workflow. As soon as the data file meeting the filemask requirement arrives, it activates and does the job.

Files Accumulate, then Processed at a Set Time

The files are accumulating in a folder during the day/week/month and then are processed by the workflow at specific timetable.
Use the Begin (+clock)  shape in your solution without Auto-Restart on End.
After you publish your solution into Eagle environment, you should create a schedule event in the Automation Center according to the timetable required.