About IWS Solutions

About IWS Solutions

IWS solutions are packages that can be executed via the Eagle Job Management (EJM) framework. Eagle provides several IWS templates to help you create IWS solutions and to simplify and accelerate the IWS solution design. You can customize Eagle's IWS templates to create custom IWS solutions that reflect your company's specific processing requirements.

IWS templates are supported by Eagle, however, IWS solutions are not supported by Eagle.


IWS Solution Lifecycle

Here's a high level lifecycle of an IWS solution:
1. Create → 2. Publish → 3. Run → 4. Monitor

The following are details for each step in the IWS solution lifecycle:

  1. Create. Create the solution to perform your desired task, such as the transformation and mapping of a source file into EagleML.

  2. Publish. Publish the solution into your Eagle runtime environment.

  3. Run. Submit the IWS solution to run. The solution is executed using the Eagle Job Monitor (EJM) framework and Eagle's Message Center processing engine which is typically invoked based on an event (such as the delivery of a file), a schedule, or manually.

  4. Monitor. View the progress and status of the IWS solution execution via the EJM Monitoring Tool. The EJM Monitoring Tool is accessible directly from your desktop or from IWS via the Monitoring button. Eagle currently recommends using the EJM Monitoring Tool for all EJM process monitoring and troubleshooting. While Automation Center also allows EJM process monitoring, the EJM Monitoring Tool offers more robust capabilities. Eagle plans to incorporate the EJM Monitoring Tool into Automation Center in a future release.

Data Mapping and Transformation IWS Solutions

In data mapping and transformation IWS solutions, you can create data mapping and data transformations to facilitate data integration between your system and the Eagle product suite. You can filter and sort source and destination data columns to facilitate mapping, natively leverage EagleML data definitions during mapping, and interactively validate data mapping and data transformations using actual data.
The following is an example of a data mapping and transformation IWS solution.

Example of Data Mapping and Transformation IWS solutio

Workflow IWS Solutions

Eagle workflows are commonly orchestrated in the Eagle application, but also can be externally orchestrated by third party schedulers or Business Process Management (BPM) tools.
In workflow IWS solutions, Eagle workflows are broken down into EJM processes, subprocesses and tasks that can be executed via the Eagle Job Management (EJM) framework and monitored via the EJM Monitoring Tool.  

In workflow IWS solutions, you can create EJM subprocesses that are schedule-based or triggered by the arrival of files. You can handle complex conditions, such as when some subprocesses occur concurrently while other subprocesses occur only when specific subprocesses are completed. You can also handle subprocesses in which one file is used by multiple tasks. You can also modularize tasks to provide reusability by multiple subprocesses to promote best design practices and leverage core Eagle lookups as well as add custom lookups to encourage reuse.
The following is an example of a workflow IWS solution.

Example of a workflow IWS solution