IWS Prerequisites

IWS Prerequisites

Before you can initially use IWS, please review and ensure that you have fulfilled the following prerequisites.

Eagle Version Prerequisites

IWS is largely version independent. To use IWS, the Eagle product suite must be at least version 12.1.5.

Eagle recommends as a best fit that you run Eagle V13.1 or higher.

While IWS is largely version independent, it is important to note that there are a handful of features of IWS which are only available when using later Eagle releases.
The following list highlights some of the features that are available only in later releases. This list is just intended to highlight some features and is not a full, comprehensive list:

  • Eagle version 13.0 or higher is required for support of WRF streams processing in MSSQL DB.

  • Eagle version 13.0 or higher is required to support extract control messages in MSSQL DB.

  • Eagle version 13.0 or higher is required for loading some type of SMF to DB in MSSQL DB.

  • Eagle version 13.1.1 or higher is required to support "XSLT DB Lookup" object processing and all DB requests in IWS.

  • Eagle version 13.1.2 or higher is required to leverage performance changes around saving and loading files.


Desktop Prerequisites

The Eagle IWS application is built using .NET and WPF technology. It requires an installation of Microsoft .NET 4.5 on the workstation. Windows Installer 3.1 is also required.
The application is deployed via Microsoft's ClickOnce technology. Installation does not require local administration rights. Testing and usage is on Microsoft Windows 7 on a weekly basis. However, Eagle did perform basic IWS testing on Windows 8 and no issues were identified.

Server EagleML Requirement

You must have an EagleML Monthly release installed on your environment.  If you do not already, please install the latest EagleML monthly release available.

Note: You do not need to install the latest EagleML releases going forward, but do need this as a one-time action to obtain all the necessary streams.

Additional Server Prerequisites

Be sure you have validated your JVM before installing a server.

The server where your Eagle Message Center runtime resides must have JVM (Java Virtual Machine) version 6 or later (x64 or x86). JVM is required to enable the export of solutions from IWS to Message Center in your Eagle runtime environment.

For Windows OS Server Only

The following applications must exist in the preprocessors folders (example of paths: "estar\dynamic\msgcenter\preprocessors\" and "estar\servers\msgservice\preprocessors\"):

  • base64.exe

  • pkzip25.exe

  • unzip.exe

Similar commands are typically available in default builds of Linux/Unix OS. This is why it is not necessary to copy to the preprocessors folders for Linux/Unix OS servers.

For both Linux/Unix and Windows OS Servers 

Configuration of FTP or SFTP is recommended. Configuration of SMTP is optional, but you do need to configure if you plan on leveraging email notifications.