About Integration & Workflow Studio (IWS)

About Integration & Workflow Studio (IWS)

Integration & Workflow Studio (IWS) is a data mapping, data transformation, and workflow design tool that simplifies building of data integration workflows and leverages Eagle's Message Center technology to load data from multiple file formats and protocols into and out of the Eagle product suite.

IWS allows you to visually represent data flows for interactive design, development, and debugging. As market demands move toward real time interaction, data workflows become more complex and harder to manage. IWS makes it easier for clients to interact with Eagle's generic data interfaces and client extensions.


IWS is currently in Early Adopter mode. Eagle requests that you contact your Eagle Representative prior to using this product. 

About EagleML

With IWS, you can map your data to Eagle's data model and efficiently interact with Eagle's generic data interfaces. IWS provides a graphical interface for EagleML. EagleML is a set of Eagle's XML-based interfaces implemented as message streams. Message streams are Eagle's rules-based packaged instructions for extracting, transforming, and loading data from multiple file formats into and out of Eagle databases. EagleML uses an industry standard based XSD that serves as Eagle's canonical data model (standardized template) for exchanging different data formats and establishes a clear set of rules for communication for inbound and outbound data exchange.

IWS SDLC and Release Frequency

The software development life cycle of IWS is independent from the Eagle release schedule. This version independence provides a flexible and responsive approach to IWS functionality development and issue resolution. IWS code is released on a two weekly basis, currently on Wednesday afternoon. This is a key design principle and strategy of the IWS tool and team to deliver incremental improvements to the application in an agile, repeatable and predictable fashion. We want to respond to clients needs without tying the evolution of IWS to the core product.

The new code is released to the IWS test site and code that previously existed on that site is released to the IWS production site. This schedule provides you with the opportunity to review the new functionality or raise any questions a week prior to it moving to the production site.

Recommended Eagle Version

IWS is largely version independent. To use IWS, the Eagle product suite must be at least version 12.1.5.

Eagle recommends as a best fit that you run Eagle V13.1 or higher.

While IWS is largely version independent, it is important to note there are two key dependencies:

  • Message Center. IWS solution will ultimately process using the Message Center engine. Enhancements to Message Center are managed through the traditional release. This may also include optimizations to the processing engine. Review IWS release notes to determine any dependencies to the core product.

  • EagleML. Eagle's canonical model, EagleML, is released independently of the product and IWS. EagleML does change to adopt new objects within the model or correct issues.

IWS Technology

The Eagle IWS application is built using .NET and WPF technology. It assumes .NET 4.5 is installed on the workstation. It is deployed via Microsoft's ClickOnce technology. Installation does not require local administration rights. Testing and usage to date has been limited to Microsoft Windows 7.