Upload the CSV Data File into a Region

Upload the CSV Data File into a Region

You can upload your data file into the region after you publish the solution. There are several ways to upload (ingest) your data file into the region. This section describes two ways to do so.

The first option described uses the Run option to upload (ingest) your data file into the region. This method is useful during the development stages. The second option described assumes that data files will be uploaded to the region automatically, and then the load gets triggered by sending a control message, also called a Run Task Request message, to Message Center.

Option 1: Use the Run Option

You can use the Run option to upload (ingest) your data file into the region. This method is very useful for testing the workflow in the development stages.

Before you upload your data file, make sure you published the solution. For more information, see Publish the IWS Solution for CSV.

To upload your data file using the Run option:

  1. In the Raw Service tab, click Run.

    Raw Service tab - Run option

    You see the Run RDS Process dialog box. The Run Parameters tab is selected by default. 

  2. Select the data file from a local folder by clicking the ellipsis button (in the Run RDS Process dialog box.)

    Run RDS Process dialog box - Ellipsis (...) button


  3. Click the Run button in the Run RDS Process dialog box.

    After you click the Run button, a new tab named EJM Processes appears. It contains the processing details of the solution.

  4. Review the EJM Processes tab to view the load details.

  5. You may need to click the Refresh button to update the information during the execution.
    You can access this information later by running the Monitoring Tool application. You can open it from IWS's Solution tab.

Option 2. Use the File Name in the Run Task Request (RTR) Message

Option 1, described above, is very useful for testing the workflow in development stages. However, after your workflow is developed, tested, and deployed to the PROD region, the way you deliver data to your application changes. It is expected that data files will be uploaded to the region automatically, and then the load gets triggered by sending a control message (also called a Run Task Request message) to Message Center.

The default location for data files in this case is tpe/data/msgcenter/cmw/in,

In Automation Center, you can use helper stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_data_load_cmw_in to upload your data file into this folder.

Make sure you published the solution before you upload your data file. For details, see Publish the IWS Solution for CSV.

To upload your data file using the Run Task Request Message:

  1. In Automation Desk, click Events in the left navigation. 
    You see the Events workspace.

  2. Search for the message stream helper stream named eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_data_load_cmw_in to upload your data file into this folder.
    The following figure shows how you can search for the helper stream event by searching for an event name of *_cmw_in.

  3. Select the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_data_load_cmw_in event row in the grid, right-click the row, and then click Send Data.
    Now you need to tell Message Center to start processing this file. You can use same Send Data option, but this time for the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message stream. 

  4. Search for the message stream named eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message.
    The following figure shows how you can search for the event by searching for an event name of *_control_message.

  5. Select the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message event row in the grid, right-click the row, and then click Send Data.

  6. Review the RTR message content.
    The content of the RTR message should look like the following:

    RTR message

    <EagleML xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="RunTaskRequestSync" xmlns="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0" eaglemlVersion="2-0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0 eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" eaglemlType="RunTaskRequest"> <header> <messageId>5EDA26591AB784</messageId> <sentBy>http://www.client.com/eagleadmin</sentBy> <sendTo>http://www.eagleinvsys.com/eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message</sendTo> <replyTo>http://www.client.com/Eagle Control Messages</replyTo> <creationTimestamp>2020-07-06T11:43:08-04:00</creationTimestamp> </header> <taskIdentifier> <correlationId correlationIdScheme="correlationIdScheme">5EDA26591AB784a</correlationId> <businessTaskId correlationIdScheme="businessTaskIdScheme">5EDA26591AB784a</businessTaskId> </taskIdentifier> <taskTypeEnum>NEW</taskTypeEnum> <taskParameters> <taskParameter> <name>StreamName</name> <dataType>S</dataType> <value>eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_execwkfl</value> </taskParameter> <taskParameter> <name>ActionType</name> <dataType>S</dataType> <value>EXECUTE</value> </taskParameter> <taskParameter> <name>WorkflowName</name> <dataType>S</dataType> <value>testvendor_feed_1_raw_data</value> </taskParameter> <taskParameter> <name>WorkflowData</name> <dataType>S</dataType> <value>example_buildingtable.csv</value> </taskParameter> </taskParameters> </EagleML>
  7. There are three values which you may need to adjust: 
    - correlationId. This should be a unique value for the region. Messages with duplicate correlation Ids are rejected by the system.
    - workflowName. This value should reflect the workflow name. You can see it in the Publish screen.
    - WorkflowData. This is the name of data file which you uploaded to the cmw/in folder.