About the IWS Raw Service Tool

About the IWS Raw Service Tool

The Raw Data Ingestion and Reporting Pattern (RDIRP) is a new data storage pattern designed to support data shapes and content that cannot be natively supported by Eagle's out-of-the-box data model. The Raw Service Tool in IWS allows you to load XML data format and CSV data format files into the database for the RDPI. The database tables and views are described in this section. 

If you are interested in the Raw Data Ingestion and Reporting Pattern, please reach out to your Eagle representative so that discussions can be arranged with Eagle's Architecture Services to determine whether RDIRP is the right choice for your specific needs.

The Raw Service Tool allows you to define a structure for the data file: vendor, feed name, data type, and data format for every column of header, name, and key fields for the dimension table. For the CSV format, a set of fields can be any in the incoming CSV file. The CSV file can contain any number and names of columns with the delimiters ‘pipe’, ‘comma’, ‘point’, ‘semicolon’, or ‘tab’. Also, a CSV data file can contain global values and metadata. For more information, see Example of CSV Data Load.

To access the Raw Service Tool:

Before you can use Raw Service functionality in IWS, it is necessary to install corresponding database components in your environment. You can download the instructions and scripts using the following artifactory link: 


  1. Open IWS. 

  2. In the Solutions pane, click Templates. 
    You see the templates in the Refresh pane.

  3. Click Raw Services, as shown in the following figure.

Raw Services Tool access