Incoming Files Processing Information

Incoming Files Processing Information


All information that is required to be shown to user and that is needed for proper removing file from the processing queue is available on different steps of file routing. ORCH tables in PACE_MASTERDBO schema can be used to store this information in one place, which makes it easy to handle and update. The CorrelationID for stored information about a file is the same as used for trigger file name that ndfa sends to ndfa_exec, GUID with DATA suffix, i.e. B812JJ64DU6DEVPSDATA.

When the user queries data about all incoming files provided on the region (from EJM MT External Data tab) EJM MT shows data from ORCH_REQUEST_DEF and ORCH_QUEUE tables where ORCH_QUEUE.CREATE_DATE is within queried time interval and ORCH_REQUEST_DEF.CORRELATION_ID has ‘DATA’ as four last characters.

In this section