Сompliance 2A-7 Pricing Report Outbound Interface

In this page:

This EagleML Object puts a wrapper around the 2A-7 Pricing Report

The core report is eagle/star/reports/pan-ec_2a7report.htm (2A 7 Pricing Report).

Processing Details

Q rule: extract_acct_compilance_2a7_pricing_report.xml
T Streaming rule: t_acct_compilance_2a7_pricing_report_streaming.xml
Panel: eagle/star/reports/pan-ec_2a7report.htm

The panel is called for every Entity Id in the list of Entities resolved in Entity filter.

Available Filters

Main filters

  • entity filters – Entity Id, Entity List, Entity Composite and other common Entity filters. Tag 302
  • accountingBasis – tag 21
  • selectView = 'TotalFund' (default), 'Sector' – tag 937
  • reportType = ‘Accounting Date’ (default), ‘Month End Date’, ‘Settlement Date’, ‘Post Date’, ‘Settlement Date’ – tag 1257
  • reportPeriod = ‘Daily Activity’ (default), ‘Date Range’, ‘Fiscal Year to Date’, ‘Life to Date’ – tag 990
  • todate (enddate, reportdate) – tag 73
  • fromdate (startdate) – available if reportPeriod = ‘Date Range’, tag 71
  • 2A7PricingSource – tag 9051
  • reportFilters = N (default), Y – tag 989
  • advancedReportOptions = N (default), Y – tag 7008
  • maxrows – count of records

View filters

  • selectSector – available if selectView = 'Sector', = 'All' (default), 'Individual' – tag 7001
  • sectorId – available if selectView = 'Sector' and selectSector = ‘Individual’ – tag 5
  • sector – available if selectView = 'Sector' and selectSector = ‘Individual’ – tag 1164

Security Filters, available if reportFilters = ‘Y’

  • filterSecurityBy = 'XREF' (default), 'PRIMARY', 'NAME' – tag 1953
  • xrefid – available if filterSecurityBy = ‘XREF’, tag 1233
  • xrefidtype – available if filterSecurityBy = ‘XREF’, tag 1234
  • primaryassetid – available if filterSecurityBy = 'PRIMARY', tag 14
  • issuename – available if filterSecurityBy = ‘NAME’, tag 961

Advanced Report Option фильтры – available if advancedReportOptions = ‘Y’

  • summaryMain = Y (default), N – tag 7021
  • holdingsByTierLevel = Y (default), N – tag 7022
  • holdingsByInvestmentType = Y (default), N – tag 7023
  • holdingsByIssuer = Y (default), N – tag 7024
  • securityRatings = Y (default), N – tag 7025

All filters are case insensitive.