Unsettled Transactions - Processing Details

Unsettled Transactions - Processing Details

This page explains such specifics of Unsettled Transactions EagleML object, as working with accountingValidationFlag.

Handling accountingValidationFlag

When running the UNSETTLEDTRANSACTIONSEXTRACT, the user has the ability to pass in the accountingValidationFlag with a value of Y or not pass in the parameter.

A single date would not require the accountingValidationFlag, but a range of dates would require the accountingValidationFlag to be supplied.

The accountingValidationFlag execution uses the core stored procedure and will span across a period of time. It is constrained to the core stored procedure and can run by a composite, but does not support traverse hierarchy resolution or execution beyond a single entity or composite.

The dynamic sql execution uses the dynamic query for a single date only. It does support the traverse hierarchy execution and the extended models.

Currently WIKI is presenting one combined set of elements available from the extract. This is may create confusion for clients who are using the accountingValidationFlag as they are identifying field elements which they are wishing to map, but not seeing them on the output.