XrefMap Settings

XrefMap Settings

XrefMap determines the transformation of identifiers. For example, if a specific identifier in the source should be translated to another identifier type for the target.  The Translated Xref Type is then used for any security resolutions, inserts or updates to the database. The original xref type in the source is not used.

You can specify xrefmap for all files  using the Config XrefMap Setting or for one record in the xml  in the source file using the Specific XrefMap Setting.  

This logic is applicable for Warehouse Loads only.

The XrefMap translation should be provided in the following manner:

<xrefMap>Source Xref 1,Target Xref1,Source Xref 2,Target Xref2,Source Xref 3,Target Xref3</xrefMap>

The source and target xrefs should be separated by a comma.   

Translation will be performed only on those elements that are present in xrefMap element.

The XREF  types should be  written in the exact case that they are are stored in a database.  This is usually uppercase.

For example: 


In this example, the identifier for the Xref Type BCUSIP would be translated to CUSIP and the identifier for the Xref Type INTERNAL would be translated to SPECIALID. 

Default XrefMap

 By default, xref type identifiers transformation is not performed.

Config XrefMap Setting

The Config XrefMap is used to specify xref transformations that should occur  for all files.

The Config XrefMap is set in custom configuration file eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc.

To change the Config XrefMap, open the custom configuration file in Message Center Editor and set the required value to the ‘CONFIG_XREF_MAP’  variable  

Code of w_config_custom.inc:


Specific XrefMap Setting

The Specific XrefMap is used to specify transformations that should occur  for one record in the xml  in the source file.

The Specific XrefMap will have the higher priority relative to default and xrefMap for the security transformation, but only for the current record where specific batting order is set.

For example: