Security Resolution - Warehouse Objects
Security Resolution - Warehouse Objects
Security resolution logic for warehouse objects is carried out within the stored procedure PACE_MASTERDBO.ESTAR_STD_INTERFACES.RETURN_XREF_SECALIAS_GEN
The resolution of security is controlled by Batting Order. Batting Order works for Warehouse objects exactly in the same way as it does for for Reference objects.
Asset Resolution Options
Resolve Primary by Security Alias for Warehouse Trade Interface
RESOLVE_PRIMARY is used to resolve primaryAssetId; this can be useful to validate securityAlias
<assetResolutionOption>RESOLVE_PRIMARY</assetResolutionOption> |
SKIP is used to use securityAlias passed from incoming data without resolution
<assetResolutionOption>SKIP</assetResolutionOption> |
Both options allow to load trades via warehouseTrade object using only securityAlias.