EagleML Release Notes - October 2015

This release uses XSD Revision 214.

There was an overlay file that is currently packaged as part of the EagleML monthly release. Please refer to About EagleML Overlays for specific details and impact to you.



Cash Flow Projection Improvements
The Cash Flow Projections interface was improved in the areas of load and extract support. The extract process improvements were focused on ensuring all the correct data is extracted based on different filters that can be applied during the extract. The date, SMF, entity, and source filters all work correctly and are now fully supported. On the load side, the temporary parameter called IN_SECURITY_ALIAS is now automatically removed upon load.
This issue was tracked as Item #133023.

Add Deltabased Capability to All the Reference Objects
Previously, the deltabased mode feature had been added to several of the EagleML interfaces. The deltabased mode allows file extracts to be run in such a way that only files that have been loaded to the database since the last occurrence of an extract are pulled. Essentially, this mode extracts files that have not yet been extracted. In this release, the feature was added to all the reference objects.
This issue was tracked as Item #133783.

Allow for Creation of NACK Messages Based on MasterTicketNumber and TouchCount
New code was added to the eagle_default/in/xml/xslt/wrh_egl_gen_interface3.xsl XSLT file which allows it to create NACK messages based on the master ticket number and the touch count. This update adds functionality to the new TRADE_PARAM in the warehouse trade interface.
This issue was tracked as Item #134086.

Introduced New Generic Delete Workflow Supporting Warehouse Objects
A new generic delete workflow was introduced and currently supports warehouse objects. The workflow allows you to delete data that has been loaded into the database. Ten new rules have been created to support this deletion framework. The list is as follows:

  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_broker_trade_quote
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_cash_activity
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_cash_flow_projection
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_closelot
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_glbalances
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_nav
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_nav_multi
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_open_lot
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_pending_trade
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_performance
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_position
  • t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_warehouse_trade

This issue was tracked as Item #134092.

Support for Additional Put Call Types RTR and RTP
The XSD was changed to add support two additional put call types.
This issue was tracked as Item #134195.

Support Cash Transactions Being Sent Using WebServices Sync Calls
Support was added to EagleML webservices Sync calls to handle cash transactions of AccountingCash and AccountingAssetCash object types.
This issue was tracked as Item #134955.

Introduced New skipIfExists Flag for SMF
A new parameter called <skipIfExists> has been added to EagleML. If the value of the parameter is Y, the message will be completely ignored if it already exists. This parameter is only available for updating SMFs and their reference data. There are a few unique cases where this parameter could be used to increase performance, but it is important to understand that this setting means that updates will not occur.

Note: This parameter can only be used for the following interfaces:

  • Schedules
  • Issuer
  • Variable Rates
  • Earnings
  • Generic SMF (where the accountingValidationFlag = N and also excluding MultilegSMF as multileg is always processed via accounting validations)

This issue was tracked as Item #134606.


Allow Demand List Profile to be used in Extract Process
A new feature was added to the Demand List Extract process that allows a demand list profile to be passed to the outbound q stream for extraction of the demand list. This feature works by passing the demand list profile name as a parameter to the Demand List Panel which is able to look up all necessary information to execute the extract based on the profile name. This improves functionality and flexibility of the Demand List extract process.
This issue was tracked as Item #132714.

EJM Optimization When Web Services Sync Calls Are Used
EJM had a specific process that would always have to pass through the 'eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_acquire_data' and 'eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_load_flow_control' streams in cases of Web services sync calls used for loading data. Sending the data through those two streams was inefficiency though as it added extra wait time. The load has been streamlined and data is now loaded directly to the inbound stream of the corresponding object.
This issue was tracked as Item #134128.

Software Fixes


Calendar Object Had Issue with Add vs Update Mode
The calendar object had issues correctly choosing ADD vs UPDATE mode. This issue was resolved by updating the /eagle_default/in/xml/xml-ref_calendar.xml rule and adding explicit record of the mode in the header of any given calendar file. If the mode is not specified through the field in the header, the rule will automatically use an SQL lookup to search for the calendar name in the database and if the name already exists, the mode is set to ADD, otherwise it is set to UPDATE.
This issue was tracked as Item #132647.

Security Resolution Issues in Open/Close Swap Trades
There was a problem with the security resolution logic for open/close swap trades. The different legs of the SMF were not getting properly resolved. In the case of similar primary asset Ids existing for different multileg securities, the resolution logic could select the incorrect one. The logic has been improved to select on the exact primary asset Ids of the different legs.
This issue was tracked as Item #133438.

Issue with Extracts When Certain Parameters Used
There were problems with the extracts that were filtered by parameters such as entity Id and OnlyHeld securities. These issues caused delays as well as incorrect data to be extracted. The code was updated to resolve this issue by readjusting the filter conditionals.
This issue was tracked as Item #133574.

Issue with Underlying SMF in SMF_mi Process
Due to an issue with the XSLT, the SMF_mi process could not create an underlying SMF and add it to the FloaterModel as expected. The XSLT was incomplete and was unable to create the underlying SMF based on the FloaterModel and the UnderlyingModel specifications. The missing code was added to allow the underlying record to be created when a file is sent to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_smf_mi.
This issue was tracked as Item #133767.

Support Extensions for Extracts
The Generic SMF, Generic Issue Analytics, Client, Issuer Organization, Issuer Relationship, Rating, Time Series, Schedule, SMF Identifiers, Warehouse Trade feeds were all updated to support extensions for extracts. The updates included additional inbound and outbound rules as well as include files that handle the fields and the table within the database.
This issue was tracked as Item #133805.

UserChar and UserDefinedFloats Excluded from Warehouse PACE Trade Extract
During a warehouse PACE trade extract, the UserChar and UserDefinedFloat fields which were present in the incoming message did not show up in an extract. The problem was due to an incorrect XSLT. The code was updated and the fields are now included in the extracted files as expected.
This issue was tracked as Item #134081.

Logic Change for Tag 1348 in Underlyingsmf_model.inc File
The logic for tag 1348 has been changed in underlyingsmf_model.inc. It now gets its value from the nodes in the follow order of priority:

  1. |floaterModel_underlyingAssetId|
  2. |underlyingAssetId|
  3. |underlyingModel_underlyingAssetId|
  4. |assetBenchmark|

This issue was tracked as Item #134190.

Issue with Issuer Id changes on SMF
The eagle_default\in\xml\xml-ref_issuerrole_common.inc include file was unable to handle the case of a file with an existing primary asset Id but new issuer Id was loaded to the database. The include file incorrectly treated this load as a new object and created a new record in the database. The code was updated so that the include file now recognizes that situation as a request for updating and properly updating the tables instead of creating a new entry
This issue was tracked as Item #134200.

Missing base64encoder.exe File
In an earlier release, the base64encoder.exe was removed from the EagleML package which created issues trying to log into certain environments. The executable file was added into the dynamic/msgcenter/preprocessing folder during a load of the new packages.

Note: This is a change from the old process of loading the executables. They used to be placed in the servers/msgcenter/preprocessing folder but this location was changed since that folder has restrictions during the load process, but the new folder does not.
This issue was tracked as Item #134494.

Cash Transaction Cancel Issues
The cash transactions interface had issues canceling messages sent to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_acct_cash stream. The cancel message is supposed to be sent with the transaction Id holding the same value is the <originalTradeTicketNumber> field of the original file. This functionality was not working because of a flawed code placement around security resolution. The asset Id is not required for the cancel to run, but the condition was not in the right place and therefore it expected the asset Id. The code was updated by changing the /eagle_default/in/xml/xml-acct_cash_asset.xml rule and the /eagle_default/in/include/csv-cancel_cash.inc include. Sending a message with the correct transaction Id will now cancel the message with the matching originalTradeTicketNumber without asking for any additional information.
This issue was tracked as Item #134866.

Issue with First Status Displayed in Message Center for Generic SMFs
The first status for any task in Message Center should always be the rule file that was selected for the processing of this task. When loading generic SMFs, though, there was an issue with that first status being displayed. Instead, the status displayed was a message from the previous processing. This issue was caused by an improper location of the line of code that handled the messages that would arise during post processing. This block of code was relocated to make sure the statuses would not be kept in memory and then overwrite the rule file status. The correct status is now displayed as expected.

This issue was tracked as Item #135178.


Missing Streams Related to Loading Positions in Pipe Data Format
The streams eagle_default_in_pipe_pos and eagle_default_in_pipe_pos_t were missing from the monthly EagleML package. These streams are used to load position pipe data in eagle_wrf_generic_load workflow. They are now included in the package.
This issue was tracked as Item #134914.

Issue with TradingFlat Tag
The tradingFlat tag was not correctly being extracted from the database and was getting overwritten with the value from the tradingFlatIndicator. The code was updated to resolve the incorrect mapping and the extract process now executes correctly.
This issue was tracked as Item #135106.

Issue with TSR When PACE or STAR Schedules Fail
When a STAR or PACE schedule object failed, EJM did not send a TSR. The code was updated to correct this issue. EJM will now send a TSR regardless of the result of the execution of a task.
This issue was tracked as Item #135338.