EagleML Release Notes - November 2015

EagleML Release Notes - November 2015

This release uses XSD Revision 215.

There was an overlay file that is currently packaged as part of the EagleML monthly release. Please refer to About EagleML Overlays for specific details and impact to you.



New Filters for Warehouse Cash Activity and Trade Extracts
Post date and month end accounting date filters were added for warehouse cash activity and warehouse trade extracts. These filters join the list of existing filters that help narrow the scope of data that a user can achieve through the extract process. The following rules were edited to add these filters:

  • extract_warehouse_cash_activity.xml

  • extract_warehouse_trade.xml

This issue was tracked as Item #134504.

GenericSMF Now Supports up to 30 XRereferences
The rule for loading generic SMFs has been enhanced to handle up to thirty xreferences. The feature is only for generic SMFs and does not interfere with loading of multileg SMFs. The idea is that the xreferences are all loaded into the database by a separate SQL request once the load of the generic SMF is complete. Previously, the ADDSCMASTER stored procedure handled all xreferences, but due to volume this process is now handled separately.
This issue was tracked as Item #135007.

The corporate action delete rule physically deletes any pending corporate actions that have been sent to the TRADESDBO.CORP_ACT_HIST table and eliminates the data from that table. When this action is called, the corporate action is sent to the TRADESDBO.CORP_ACT_ANNOUNCEMENT_HIST table. Previously, the ability to extract data from TRADESDBO.CORP_ACT_ANNOUNCEMENT_HIST table did not exist. The code was enhanced to provide extract functionality from this database table.
This issue was tracked as Item #135294.

Add new ExtractLevel Parameter to Warehouse Open Lot and Warehouse Position
Warehouse open lot and warehouse position were enhanced to use the extractLevel filter as task parameter. If this task parameter is set to "A" in RTR, DB query uses the UPDATE_DATE value from the POSITION table. If extractLevel is empty or missing, default UPDATE_DATE value from the POSITION_DETAIL or LOT_LEVEL_POSITION tables is used.

Note: The Warehouse performance extract was already providing account level extract. No further change was needed.
This issue was tracked as Item #132997.


New Check for Missing or Disabled Streams
There has been an EJM issue with statuses occasionally not showing up for a stream during an execution. The task_reporter.xml rule code was modified to include logic that now checks to see if the stream is missing or disabled on the active environment. This logic can save you troubleshooting time as it will report invalid streams.
This issue was tracked as Item #134113.

Enhancements to cm_reader Stream
The cm_reader stream has been enhanced with the addition of a new FTP reading protocol that can now be used as an option. This enhancement has been added but the old protocol also exists and is supported. Please note that the new protocol is currently available to a limited number of clients but Eagle expects to offer to additional clients in the future.
This issue was tracked as Item #134957.

Software Fixes


Cost Basis Adjustments That Increase Cost Were Not Using the FX Rate in the Panel
When processing a cost basis adjustment (INCROPEN) that increases cost, the base cost was being adjusted in proportion to the local adjustment. These adjustments should be using the FX rate entered in the panel to determine the amount of the base cost increase.The accounting rules have been updated to ensure that the base cost adjustment for increases use the FX rate entered in the panel.
This issue was tracked as Item #133470.

Cancel Trans Type Changes in CA Accounting
The rule for a CANCEL trans type CA accounting objects has been revised to change some of the values for tag 54 as well as add logic for calling the panels from the new rule: eagle_default/in/xml/xml-ref_cancelca.xml. The framework for canceling the CA accounting object is now more straightforward and uses a separate rule from the other trans types. This keeps the processing separate and avoids any confusion.
This issue was tracked as Item #134059.

Added Support of XrefidType Parameter to Demand List EagleML Extract
The demand list EagleML Extract did not previously support the xref id type task parameters. The support for this filter has now been added through edits in the eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/tagvalue/extract_demandlist.xml rule. The filter will only work if the UsePrimaryAssetIdOrXrefId field in the same control message is set to the value "X".
This issue was tracked as Item #134815.

Issue Deleting Multileg Securities
The generic delete workflow in EJM was not properly handling cases of multileg SMF. Specifically only one leg of any forward or swap would get removed by the workflow. Since the second record was not deleted, there would be errors when trying to load a new SMF with that security alias. The rule for the generic delete was changed to include a for loop that handles multi leg securities. It searches for all the security aliases and deletes all the legs of the SMF.
This issue was tracked as Item #135269.

Xref Issue for Forwards
When loading a forward, the xref was created for the buy side when it should have actually been only on the sell side. This was the result of the buy and sell currency tags being swapped in the rule. The rule was updated to correct this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #135276.

Issues with Corporate Actions
There were some issues with the corporate action rule. There were a few tags that had incorrect values assigned to them and one tag which should have been calculated by a lookup but being rewritten by the rule once the lookup exited and returned a value. The affected tags were 54, 71, 73 and 1001. The rule was fixed to make sure all tags were properly declared and were being filled in with the correct values.
This issue was tracked as Item #135282.

Inconsistent Logic With Add Issuer Role
The logic in the pan_addissuer_role.htm panel and the xml-ref_issuerrole_common.inc rule file was inconsistent. If the processing was sent to the panel, tag 38 and 68 would get filled in with values returned by the panel look up. If the processing stayed within the rule, the tags would remain blank which would cause errors during loading. This issue was corrected by putting the same resolution logic for tags 38 and 68 in the include file as already existed in the panel.
This issue was tracked as Item #135400.

Issue with USER_CHAR4 in Warehouse Cash Flow Projection
The stored procedure in the rule for the EagleML Warehouse Cash Flow Projection was incorrectly handling the USER_CHAR4 field and declaring it as CHAR(2) when it should have been VARCHAR(100). The code was updated to correctly declare the USER_CHAR4 field.
This issue was tracked as Item #135469.

Issues with Multileg Swaps
There were several issues around Multileg SMF that have been corrected:

  1. The history only flag was not supported for this object. The eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmastermultilegswap.htm panel were updated to include a history only option and this has been added.

  2. There were issues around the number of rows created for multi leg securities. Rows could be created for the vendor source and Eagle source at the same time. Tag 944 has been added to all legs and 1009 was added to the receive leg to resolve this issue and ensure the correct number of rows are created.

  3. The SWAPID was not being generated for all of the legs. The code was updated so that the security alias that was used to load a previous leg is reset so that it is not deleted when a new leg is loaded with the same alias.

This issue was tracked as Item #135471.

Entity Resolution in CLP Stream
The CLP stream only allows you to resolve the entity on entity Id. The code was updated to allow you to resolve the entity by xreference Id and type.
This issue was tracked as Item #135604.

New in_xref_end_data parameter Added to Security Master Bind
A new parameter called in_xref_end_date was added to the security master bind. This field has been added to the stored procedure and the msgxchg_sec_core.inc include file. The field will be pulled up from one of ten alias values that are located in the smf_aliases.inc file.
This issue was tracked as Item #135800.

Incorrect Stream Category on Three Streams
Three of the streams that are included as part of the monthly EagleML package were labeled with the incorrect stream category. The stream category is a field you can see in Message Center Console to help you sort on streams. The following streams were updated to have the correct stream category:

  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_objects

  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_splitter_smf_mi

  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_splitter_issuer_mi

This issue was tracked as Item #135803.

Include eagle_iws_info Stream in EagleML Package
A stream and rule were added to the EagleML monthly package to collect information when IWS is started. It gets server time zone and version information from the the w_config and eis_config files and sends it to IWS on startup. The stream name is eagle_iws_info and the rule for this new stream is eis_info.xml.
This issue was tracked as Item #135804.

Generic Entity Could Resolve to the Incorrect Source Instance
The Generic Entity stream could resolve to the incorrect source instance. This issue typically occurred when the Message Center cache was not updated for a long period of time. The code was updated to not use the option for results cache.
This issue was tracked as Item #135967.

Security Resolution Issue with Swaps and Forwards
Swap and forward securities had resolution logic based only on the primary asset Id and not the type. Therefore, if a SMF already exists with a primary asset Id that matched the primary asset Id of a swap or forward, the SMF that security could be incorrectly updated despite not having the same primary asset type. The logic has been updated to include the primary asset type and avoid this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #136122.

Security Alias Not Included in Warehouse Extracts
The security alias element was not showing up in warehouse extracts when expected. This issue can be resolved by setting the W_INCLUDE_SECALIAS_FORWHS field in w_config_custom.inc to Y. When this parameter is set to Y, the security alias will now be included in the extracted files.
This issue was tracked as Item #136224.

Issue Loading Factors
Previously, you could use the trans type of FACTOR when loading factors. With a code change in August, the trans type of ADDFACTOR was added but the change did not properly account for backward compatibility. The code has been changed so that FACTOR is valid again as well. In addition, there was a panel issue with tag 1257 that has also been resolved.
This issue was tracked as Item #136415.


Issue with Final Status
There was an issue with the EJM Task user interface where the final status could be missing in the final status tab. The code was updated to resolve this issue and the final status is now always displayed.
This issue was tracked as Item #134487.

Eagle_WRF_GENERIC_LOAD Loading Sequence Issues
The Eagle_WRF_GENERIC_LOAD had issues with the warehouse trade, charges, xreference and warehouse broker trade quotes objects and their loading sequence. The objects were originally set to be loaded in parallel, but since the other four all rely on information that is present in the warehouse trade they must be loaded only once the system has accepted the load of the trade. The load preferences were changed so that the trade has greater priority than the other objects. This change avoids errors caused by incomplete data in the case of a missing trade.
This issue was tracked as Item #134501.

Detect Failure to Report TSR Via WebService
In some cases when using the web services option to complete a load in the EJM, a TSR may not be returned which can be a false sign of success. There are two cases in which this can occur: an asynchronous load during which a call back was not completed or a synchronous load during which the connection is dropped. In the case that either of these happen, the EJM should send an alert to service now to make it clear that these errors occurred and will help avoid false success assumptions. The reporter_dist.inc file received new code that handles the errors and sends and monitors a SN request. Please note that The EagleML/EJM ServiceNow alerting is currently in a testing stage.
This issue was tracked as Item #134765.

Incorrect Status When Callback Failed
When the HTTP callback completed with an error, EJM would still return a success status. The reporter_dist.inc include file was updated to set the status properly after the call to the http_calls.inc file. The EJM status returned now correctly reflects the state of the process.
This issue was tracked as Item #135554.

TSR Issue in Asynchronous Calls in Web Services
EJM was not sending a TSR through web services in the case of an asynchronous call. The problem was rooted in the replyTo variable which was being populated incorrectly. The reason behind this was the replacement of "/" and ":" with "5C" and "3A" respectively. This was causing the stream to not recognize the response address and therefore not send the TSR. The rule was corrected and the TSR will now always be sent.
This issue was tracked as Item #135732.

File Not Created When Extract Returns No Data
When an extract returned no data, no file was generated. The code was changed to allow for an empty file to be created when no data is returned. If the parameter cW_FORCE_EMPTY_EXTRACTFILE in the w_config_custom.inc file if set to "Y" , it will now generate an empty file during extracts if there is no data.