Manage Generic Options

There are several generic task parameter setups used with any action type. 


Before you can use email distribution lists specified below, you must create an XML outbound email distribution stream, such as eagleml_email_cm_distribution, based on ruleset eagle_ml-2-0_cm\out\xml\task_distributor_email.rsf

The table below lists the generic options and descriptions.




Specifies the delivery method for the acknowledgement ACK and NACK reply messages. Options include FILE, FTP, JMS, and EMAIL.


Specifies the email distribution list to deliver the acknowledgement ACK and NACK reply messages.


Action expected: (ACQUIRE, EXTRACT, StarEvent,PaceEvent)


Specifies the delivery method for the incoming file. Options include: FILE, FTP, JMS, and EMAIL.


This is the environment filter. The message will be rejected if the value sent in the message does not match the environment type specified in the Possible values are DEV, TST, UAT, PRD


List of email addresses for delivering extract results to.


Delivery Method for Replies (FILE, FTP, JMS, EMAIL).


When set to "1", enables consolidated reply messages for your workflow.


Specifies the email distribution list to deliver response messages.


Specifies the email distribution list to deliver the extract results messages.


Identifies the environment, such as DEV, TST, UAT, PRD and so forth. The identifier ensures that messages sent with an incorrect identifier are rejected, when the value does not match the not match the environment type specified in the configuration for this environment.


Specifies the user-defined, detailed description of the data type to be used by the BPM.


Specifies the object data type within the list of EagleML object types, as defined in the <xsd:simpleType name="ObjectTypeEnum"> enumeration of the EagleML XSD schema definition.


Specifies the message stream used to initiate the workflow sequence. Options include:

  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_acquire_data
  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_star_extracts
  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_q
  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_execute_star_event
  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_execute_pace_event
  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_execute_purge_archive


Specifies the output data format for extracts.

The acceptable values are EagleML, CSV and TagValue.

Please see below for specifics on what each of these values produces:

If OutputFormat=EagleML, the extract file will be in EagleML format and the file extension will be *.xml

If OutputFormat=CSV, the extract file will be in TagValue format and the file extension will be *.csv

If OutputFormat=TagValue, the extract file will be in TagValue format and the file extension will be *.txt

If OutputFormat is set to a value other than EagleML, CSV or TagValue, the extract file will be in TagValue format and the file extension will be *.xml

If OutputFormat is not specified, the extract file will be in EagleML format and the file extension will be *.xml


Specifies the feed type for extracts. Refer to Task Parameter Setup for EagleML Tag Value/XML Extract section for the list of options.