Specify Incoming and Outgoing Files
You can use the <DeliveryMethod> option in the control message to specify the delivery method for the input/output file used by the message stream. For data load message streams, you must make the input file available before submitting the corresponding control message.
To make an incoming file available for Control Message processing, copy/move the input file to the EagleSTAR\tpe\data\msgcenter\cmw\in data folder. For an ASCII file, you can also use the Send Data option to drop the input file to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_data_load_cmw_in infrastructure stream.
For Eagle ACCESS clients, there is some initial setup work for the transport mechanisms you will be using (such as FTP or SFTP). For prototyping purposes in the meantime if that is not yet set up, you can use the Send Data option on the way in and emailing on the way out.