About Control Messages

About Control Messages

Messages are used to facilitate the exchange of data between systems. They act as envelopes that carry either data transactions or control instructions and notifications. Control messages provide the “glue” between services to provide the workflow. The coordination of control messages forms the basis of the Eagle Job Management (EJM) framework. EagleML data extracts are controlled through Control Messages.

The following steps describe message exchange between the user PC and the server in a simple process:

  1. Operator creates and sends the control message (we call it CM or RTR - either name is correct).

  2. Once the MC receives the CM and in case everything is OK, it sends a “task acknowledged” (ACK) message to indicate this fact. Upon receiving the CM, MC executes the EJM task as described in the CM.

  3. After finishing the execution, task status response message (TSR) is created and sent back to the user PC - this status is displayed in Message Center Console.

The following diagram shows the message architecture, with the Control Message architecture highlighted.