Control Message Required XML Nodes and XML Elements

Control Message Required XML Nodes and XML Elements

The EJM control message has several required XML nodes with different options that can be formatted to suit the type of Message Center services and STAR/PACE events triggered for execution.

Required XML Nodes

The most important nodes are:

  • EagleML/header/sendTo. Represents the name of MC stream into which the message is to be sent in the following format http://www.eagleinvsys.com/[stream name]. For instance, it should be http://www.eagleinvsys.com/eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message for one of the most frequently used streams eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message.

  • EagleML/taskIdentifier/correlationId. Unique command identification string.

This node value should be changed every time the message is sent into the stream to provide its uniqueness, otherwise MC reports of duplicate correlationId.

  • EagleML/taskIdentifier/businessTaskId. Command title.

  • EagleML/taskParameters. In this section you customize various incoming parameters for current command in the following format:

    <taskParameter>     <name>[parameter Name]</name>     <dataType>[parameter type(S-string)]</dataType>     <value>[parameter value]</value> </taskParameter>

Control Message (RTR) XML Elements

The following table describes the Control Message (RTR) message elements. More task parameters can be defined if necessary.

Elements of XML


Elements of XML


<EagleML xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="RunTaskRequest" eaglemlVersion="2-0" eaglemlType="RunTaskRequest" xmlns="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0">

Root Node. Its content is fixed.

<header>     <messageId messageIdScheme="messageIdScheme">skdjfwir0iweopri</messageId>     <sentBy>http://www.vendor.com</sentBy>     <sentTo>http://www.eagleinvsys.com/eagleml-2-0_control_messages</sentTo>     <creationTimestamp>2013-05-28T00:32:50.785-05:00:00</creationTimestamp>     <expiryTimestamp>2013-05-28T15:32:50.785-05:00:00</expiryTimestamp> </header>


Message Header section.

messageId node value must contain a unique identifier

sentBy is a constant

sentTo is a constant

creationTimestamp – the message generation time

expiryTimestamp - the time when message should expire

The most common practice is to set about 30 minutes between creation and expiry timestamps. Skipping expiry timestamp specifying is possible, but in this case all files must be present before sending control message

Task Identifier section.

correlationId is a required node and must be unique

businessTaskId is a required node and should describe the task. We recommend making it more informative so that it takes less time for you to identify the process in the Message Center.

Task type enumeration is a constant

Optional node. Synchronous Execution should only be used in the context of web services. File and JMS delivery should be configured asynchronously.

Task parameters section

Action Type is a constant

Feed Type is a constant, it represents the fact that the message comes from VENDORX

Feed Sub Type. Depends on specific FeedType set. In the example SMF with constituencies is defined.

Delivery Method is a constant and is set to “FTP” in this example

Security master filename.

Constituence filename.