Extract EagleML via Excel - How the Refresh Works

Extract EagleML via Excel - How the Refresh Works

In the new workbook, you can refresh the data by clicking the Refresh button.

Here's how the Refresh button works:

  1. Clicking the Refresh button calls the Sub Extract_Data(feedType As String) method with the appropriate feed type.
    This method prepares extract parameters based on the specified feed type using the PrepareExtractParams(feedType) method, which retrieves data from the main worksheet’s Extract parameters section.

  2. PrepareExtractParams(feedType) method generates a set of taskParameter nodes for the CM for extract and passes it along with the credentials and the server URL to the Sub Extract_TSR(url As String, Login As String, Pass As String, StrToEnv As String, feedType As String) method, which accepts the server URL, login, password, a set of taskParameter nodes, and the feed type of the object.

'Prepares parameters for the extract using a feed type of the object type, being extracted Function PrepareExtractParams(feedType As String) As Object Dim ExtractParams As Object Dim SecAlias, FromDate, ToDate, FromEffectiveDate, ToEffectiveDate, Ticker, PrimaryAssetId, SourceName, OnlyHeld, HeldPositionSources, EntitySelectionType, EntitySelectionValue, EntityXrefType, MaxRows Set ExtractParams = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") ExtractParams.Add "FeedType", feedType If StrComp(feedType, "SMFEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then SecAlias = Range("F15").Text FromDate = Range("F17").Text ToDate = Range("F19").Text OnlyHeld = Range("F21").Text HeldPositionSources = Range("F23").Text MaxRows = Range("F25").Text If SecAlias <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "securityalias", SecAlias End If If FromDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "fromdate", Replace(FromDate, ":", "-") End If If ToDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "todate", Replace(ToDate, ":", "-") End If If StrComp(OnlyHeld, "yes", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then ExtractParams.Add "onlyheld", "Y" Else ExtractParams.Add "onlyheld", "N" End If If HeldPositionSources <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "heldpositionsources", HeldPositionSources End If If MaxRows <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "maxrows", MaxRows End If Set PrepareExtractParams = ExtractParams End If If StrComp(feedType, "WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Or StrComp(feedType, "WRHSTRADEEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then SecAlias = Range("F15").Text FromDate = Range("F17").Text ToDate = Range("F19").Text FromEffectiveDate = Range("F21").Text ToEffectiveDate = Range("F23").Text PrimaryAssetId = Range("F25").Text Ticker = Range("F27").Text SourceName = Range("F29").Text EntitySelectionType = Range("F31").Text EntitySelectionValue = Range("F33").Text EntityXrefType = Range("F35").Text MaxRows = Range("F37").Text If SecAlias <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "securityalias", SecAlias End If If FromDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "fromdate", Replace(FromDate, ":", "-") End If If ToDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "todate", Replace(ToDate, ":", "-") End If If FromEffectiveDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "FromEffectiveDate", Replace(FromEffectiveDate, ":", "-") End If If ToEffectiveDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "ToEffectiveDate", Replace(ToEffectiveDate, ":", "-") End If If PrimaryAssetId <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "primaryassetid", PrimaryAssetId End If If Ticker <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "ticker", Ticker End If If SourceName <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "sourcename", SourceName End If If EntitySelectionType <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "entityselectiontype", EntitySelectionType ExtractParams.Add "entityselectionvalue", EntitySelectionValue End If If StrComp(EntitySelectionType, "EntityXrefId", vbTextCompare) = 0 And EntityXrefType <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "EntityXrefType", EntityXrefType End If If MaxRows <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "maxrows", MaxRows End If Set PrepareExtractParams = ExtractParams End If If StrComp(feedType, "ENTITYEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then FromDate = Range("F15").Text ToDate = Range("F17").Text EntitySelectionType = Range("F19").Text EntitySelectionValue = Range("F21").Text EntityXrefType = Range("F23").Text MaxRows = Range("F25").Text If FromDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "fromdate", Replace(FromDate, ":", "-") End If If ToDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "todate", Replace(ToDate, ":", "-") End If If EntitySelectionType <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "entityselectiontype", EntitySelectionType ExtractParams.Add "entityselectionvalue", EntitySelectionValue End If If StrComp(EntitySelectionType, "EntityXrefId", vbTextCompare) = 0 And EntityXrefType <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "EntityXrefType", EntityXrefType End If If MaxRows <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "maxrows", MaxRows End If Set PrepareExtractParams = ExtractParams End If If StrComp(feedType, "REFTIMESERIESEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then FromDate = Range("F15").Text ToDate = Range("F17").Text MaxRows = Range("F19").Text If FromDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "fromdate", Replace(FromDate, ":", "-") End If If ToDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "todate", Replace(ToDate, ":", "-") End If If MaxRows <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "maxrows", MaxRows End If Set PrepareExtractParams = ExtractParams End If If StrComp(feedType, "SCHEDULEEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then SecAlias = Range("F15").Text FromDate = Range("F17").Text ToDate = Range("F19").Text FromEffectiveDate = Range("F21").Text ToEffectiveDate = Range("F23").Text PrimaryAssetId = Range("F25").Text Ticker = Range("F27").Text SourceName = Range("F29").Text OnlyHeld = Range("F31").Text HeldPositionSources = Range("F33").Text MaxRows = Range("F35").Text If SecAlias <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "securityalias", SecAlias End If If FromDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "fromdate", Replace(FromDate, ":", "-") End If If ToDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "todate", Replace(ToDate, ":", "-") End If If FromEffectiveDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "fromeffectivedate", FromEffectiveDate End If If ToEffectiveDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "toeffectivedate", ToEffectiveDate End If If PrimaryAssetId <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "primaryassetid", PrimaryAssetId End If If Ticker <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "ticker", Ticker End If If SourceName <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "sourcename", SourceName End If If StrComp(OnlyHeld, "yes", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then ExtractParams.Add "onlyheld", "Y" Else ExtractParams.Add "onlyheld", "N" End If If HeldPositionSources <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "heldpositionsources", HeldPositionSources End If If MaxRows <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "maxrows", MaxRows End If Set PrepareExtractParams = ExtractParams End If If StrComp(feedType, "GENISSUEREXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then FromDate = Range("F15").Text ToDate = Range("F17").Text MaxRows = Range("F19").Text If FromDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "fromdate", Replace(FromDate, ":", "-") End If If ToDate <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "todate", Replace(ToDate, ":", "-") End If If MaxRows <> "" Then ExtractParams.Add "maxrows", MaxRows End If Set PrepareExtractParams = ExtractParams End If End Function 'Launches the extract process for a specified feed type Sub Extract_Data(feedType As String) Dim Login As String Dim Pass As String Dim ParamString As String Dim ParamName As String Dim ParamValue As String Dim i As Integer Dim Params As Object Set Params = PrepareExtractParams(feedType) Login = Range("F7").Text Pass = ActiveSheet.TextBox1.Text ParamString = "" 'Wrap the extract parameters, generated by the PrepareExtractParams method into the <taskParameter> nodes For i = 0 To UBound(Params.Keys()) ParamName = Params.Keys()(i) ParamValue = Replace(Params(ParamName), ":", "") ParamString = ParamString & "<taskParameter><name>" & ParamName & "</name><dataType>S</dataType><value>" & ParamValue & "</value></taskParameter>" Next 'Start an extract using the wrapped parameters If Login <> "" And Pass <> "" Then Extract_TSR "https://eagleeccprod1.eagleaccess.com", Login, Pass, ParamString, feedType Else MsgBox "Invalid authorization!" End If End Sub
  1. Extract_TSR method generates a SOAP request to the server and passes it to the Sub ExtractAndSave(data As String, url As String, Login As String, Pass As String, feedType As String) method.

  2. Sub ExtractAndSave(data As String, url As String, Login As String, Pass As String, feedType As String)method, in turn, makes an HTTP request to the specified Web Service using the specified data and parses the response, passing it to the Sub ImportXMLtoList(PathToXML As String, feedType As String) method.

  3. Sub ImportXMLtoList(PathToXML As String, feedType As String) method creates a new Extract result worksheet with the extract results being imported as a table, removes namespaces from all the column names, and removes columns that are not checked in the Profile section (second sheet) of the newly created workbook.

  4. If the Extract result worksheet already exists, the Sub ImportXMLtoList(PathToXML As String, feedType As String) method clears out the existing worksheet data by using the following code:

'Create Extract result sheet if it does not exist and clear it, if it already exists Set resultSheet = WorkbookToWrite.Sheets("Extract result") If resultSheet Is Nothing Then Set resultSheet = WorkbookToWrite.Sheets.Add(After:=WorkbookToWrite.Sheets(WorkbookToWrite.Sheets.Count)) resultSheet.Name = "Extract result" Else resultSheet.Cells.Clear End If

and then imports the extract results.

  1. Refresh process is finalized with the focus set on the Extract result worksheet.

'Generates a SOAP request to the specified web-service using specified in the StrToEnv parameters, wrapped in the <taskParameter> nodes Sub Extract_TSR(url As String, Login As String, Pass As String, StrToEnv As String, feedType As String) Dim sEnv As String Dim sRTR As String sRTR = "<EagleML xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" xsi:type=""RunTaskRequest"" eaglemlVersion=""2-0"" actualBuild=""1"" xmlns=""http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0"">" sRTR = sRTR & "<header xmlns=""http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0"">" sRTR = sRTR & "<messageId>" & Format(Now(), "yyyymmddThhmmss") & "</messageId>" sRTR = sRTR & "<sentBy>user</sentBy>" sRTR = sRTR & "<sendTo>http://www.eagleinvsys.com/eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message</sendTo>" sRTR = sRTR & "</header>" sRTR = sRTR & "<taskIdentifier>" sRTR = sRTR & "<correlationId>" & Format(Now(), "yyyymmddThhmmss") & "</correlationId>" sRTR = sRTR & "<businessTaskId>" + feedType + "</businessTaskId>" sRTR = sRTR & "</taskIdentifier>" sRTR = sRTR & "<taskTypeEnum>NEW</taskTypeEnum>" sRTR = sRTR & "<synchronousExecution>yes</synchronousExecution>" sRTR = sRTR & "<taskParameters>" sRTR = sRTR & "<taskParameter>" sRTR = sRTR & "<name>ActionType</name>" sRTR = sRTR & "<dataType>S</dataType>" sRTR = sRTR & "<value>EXTRACT</value>" sRTR = sRTR & "</taskParameter>" sRTR = sRTR & "<taskParameter>" sRTR = sRTR & "<name>StreamName</name>" sRTR = sRTR & "<dataType>S</dataType>" sRTR = sRTR & "<value>eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_q</value>" sRTR = sRTR & "</taskParameter>" sRTR = sRTR & StrToEnv sRTR = sRTR & "</taskParameters>" sRTR = sRTR & "</EagleML>" sEnv = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" sEnv = sEnv & "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"">" sEnv = sEnv & " <s:Body xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"">" sEnv = sEnv & " <runTaskRequest xmlns=""http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/wsdl/EagleML-2-0"">" sEnv = sEnv & sRTR sEnv = sEnv & " </runTaskRequest>" sEnv = sEnv & " </s:Body>" sEnv = sEnv & "</s:Envelope>" 'Make a request to the web-service and import the result ExtractAndSave sEnv, url, Login, Pass, feedType End Sub 'Makes an http request to the specified web-service with specified credentials using a specified request message, parses the result and imports it to a 'Extract result' list of the currently active workbook Sub ExtractAndSave(data As String, url As String, Login As String, Pass As String, feedType As String) Dim StrXML As String Dim DirPathToXML As String Dim xmlHtp As Object Set xmlHtp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp") Dim xDoc As Object Set xDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") DirPathToXML = CurDir() & "\extract_file.xml" 'Make an HTTP POST reqeust to the web-service With xmlHtp .Open "POST", url & "/EagleMLWebService20", False, Login, Pass .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8" .setRequestHeader "Host", Replace(url, "http://", "") .setRequestHeader "Content-Encoding", "gzip, deflate" .setRequestHeader "soapAction", "/EagleMLWebService/RunTaskRequestSync" .send "" & data xDoc.LoadXML .responseText End With 'Parse the result If xDoc.Text <> "" And InStr(xDoc.Text, "NO DATA") <= 0 And InStr(xDoc.Text, "NO_DATA") <= 0 Then If InStr(xDoc.Text, "ERROR") > 0 Or InStr(xDoc.Text, "Failed") > 0 Then MsgBox Replace(xDoc.Text, Left(xDoc.Text, InStr(xDoc.Text, "ERROR1") + 5), ""), vbCritical, "Error extrat" Else StrXML = Replace(xDoc.Text, Left(xDoc.Text, InStr(xDoc.Text, "<EagleML") - 1), "") StrXML = Left(StrXML, InStr(StrXML, "</EagleML>") - 1) If StrComp(feedType, "WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Or StrComp(feedType, "WRHSTRADEEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then StrXML = StrXML & "<warehouseTransaction></warehouseTransaction></EagleML>" End If If StrComp(feedType, "ENTITYEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then StrXML = StrXML & "<entityTransaction></entityTransaction></EagleML>" End If If StrComp(feedType, "REFTIMESERIESEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Or StrComp(feedType, "SCHEDULEEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Or StrComp(feedType, "GENISSUEREXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Or StrComp(feedType, "SMFEXTRACT", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then StrXML = StrXML & "<referenceTransaction></referenceTransaction></EagleML>" End If Shell "cmd.exe /c cd. > " & DirPathToXML Open DirPathToXML For Output As #1 Print #1, StrXML Reset 'Import the extract result to the 'Extract result' sheet ImportXMLtoList DirPathToXML, feedType End If Else MsgBox "NO DATA" End If Set xmlHtp = Nothing Set xDoc = Nothing End Sub 'Imports the xml from the path, specified in the PathToXML variable to the 'Extract result' sheet of the last created workbook Sub ImportXMLtoList(PathToXML As String, feedType As String) Dim wb As Workbook Dim WorkbookToWrite As Workbook Set WorkbookToWrite = Workbooks(Workbooks.Count) 'Prevent screen updates and alerts Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Import XML as table Set wb = Workbooks.OpenXML(Filename:=PathToXML, LoadOption:=xlXmlLoadImportToList) Application.DisplayAlerts = True Dim resultSheet As Object On Error Resume Next 'Create Extract result sheet if it does not exist and clear it, if it already exists Set resultSheet = WorkbookToWrite.Sheets("Extract result") If resultSheet Is Nothing Then Set resultSheet = WorkbookToWrite.Sheets.Add(After:=WorkbookToWrite.Sheets(WorkbookToWrite.Sheets.Count)) resultSheet.Name = "Extract result" Else resultSheet.Cells.Clear End If wb.Sheets(1).UsedRange.Copy resultSheet.Range("A1") wb.Close False resultSheet.Activate 'Fix for the extracts, containing exaclty one row being displayed without headers in the table, when imported from XML With ActiveSheet.UsedRange ActiveSheet.Rows(.Rows.Count).Delete End With Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'Remove the namespaces from the column headers from Extract result and then remove the columns, which are not checked in the corresponing Profile list Dim lastColumn As Long lastColumn = resultSheet.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim profileSheet As Object Set profileSheet = WorkbookToWrite.Sheets(2) Dim lastFilterRow As Long lastFilterRow = profileSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row Dim chosenFileNames As Object Set chosenFileNames = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") For i = 1 To lastFilterRow - 2 If profileSheet.CheckBoxes("filterCheckBox" & i).Value = xlOn Then chosenFileNames.Add profileSheet.Cells(i + 2, 2).Value, i End If Next i For i = 1 To lastColumn Dim curName As String Dim firstColon As Integer curName = resultSheet.Cells(1, i).Value firstColon = 0 For j = 1 To Len(curName) If StrComp(Mid(curName, j, 1), ":", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then firstColon = j Exit For End If Next j curName = Right(curName, Len(curName) - firstColon) resultSheet.Cells(1, i).Value = curName Next i For i = 1 To lastColumn curName = resultSheet.Cells(1, i).Value If StrComp(curName, "", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Exit For End If Dim lastNum As Integer lastNum = 0 For j = Len(curName) To 1 Step -1 If IsNumeric(Mid(curName, j, 1)) Then lastNum = j Else Exit For End If Next j curName = Left(curName, lastNum - 1) If Not chosenFileNames.Exists(curName) Then resultSheet.Columns(i).EntireColumn.Delete i = i - 1 End If Next i End Sub