Generic SMF Inbound Interface
Stream Logic
Panels, Binds, and Stored Procedures for SMF
The following table lists the panel, bind, and stored procedure used for multilingual implementations to set up security master files in a foreign language.
CSV/STAR Rule | Panel | Bind | Procedure |
csv /or/ star-smf-ml.xml | eagle/star/pan-secml.htm | INSERT_UPDATE_SEC_DETAIL_ML | INSERT_UPDATE_SEC_DETAIL_ML |
The following table lists the Processing Security Type (PST), panel, and bind for each security type processed by the SMF default message stream.
On this page
SMF Type | PST | Panel | Bind |
SMF Long Term Debt | DBFLTP DBIBFD DBIBMU DBIBPK DBIVIV DBMFDD DBAMTL DBIBTL | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmasterlongtermfixed.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
SMF Short Term Debt | DBDCST DBIBMA DBIBRP DBIBST DBSTST DBIBRR | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmastershortterminterest.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
SMF Buy Sellback/ Sell Buyback | DBIBSB | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmasterbssb.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
SMF Mortgage Backed Security | DBFBFB DBFBIO DBFBPO DBTATA DBFBAL DBFBCC | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmastermbs.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
SMF Equity | EQCSCS EQCSPF EQCSPK EQEQMF | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmasterequity.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
SMF Right and Warrant | EQRTXX EQWRXX | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmasterrightwarrant.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
Future | FTXXXX | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmasterfuture.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
SMF Option | OPOPCR OPOPSW OPOPEQ OPOPFB OPOPCM OPOPIX | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmasteroption.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
SMF Credit Default Swap and Lock | SWCDCO SWLOCK | eagle/star/reference/pan-swcdaddsecmaster.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
SMF Multileg Swaps | SWxxxx (excl. SWCDCOSWLOCK) | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmastermultilegswap.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
SMF Forward Contract | FWXXXX | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmasterfwd.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
Index | INXXXX | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmasterindex.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
Synthetic | SYNTHETIC | eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmastersynthetic.htm | ADDSECMASTER |
Xref Identifiers Enhancement for Generic SMF
This logic is applicable as of the EagleML November monthend 2015 release.
NOTE: This enhancement is available only for the Generic SMF. Neither the MultiLeg SMF nor Underlying shell records are affected.
The Generic SMF allows you to load as many xref identifiers as you want with your Generic SMF record along with 15 industry-standard identifiers (such as cusip, ticker, isin, etc)
These identifiers are loaded via the ADDSECMASTER stored procedure by a separate dynamic sql.
You can set them either as 15 standard Ids + 10 xref Ids (xId1..xId10) such as:
or as 15 standard Ids + unlimited xref Ids such as:
You can switch to old logic by setting W_USEDYNAMIC_FOR_XREF= 'N' in the eagle_ml-2-0_cm_custom/ configuration file or by adding the EagleML/referenceTransaction/genericSMF/loadXrefOptions element to your incoming file (which has higher priority that global setting W_USEDYNAMIC_FOR_XREF) with 'LOAD_FIRST_10' value.
issueTaxType Processing
In case issueTaxType (SECURITYDBO.SECURITY_MASTER_DETAIL.ISSUE_TAX_TYPE) is not passed in incoming SMF message or passed value is not resolved in DB for SMF where securityProcressingType is one of: DBIBMU, DBFBIO, DBFBAL , DBFBCC , DBFBFB
– issueTaxType is set to ‘T’.
tag2301 Processing
If Processing Type (tag11) = OP then Synthetic Security Type (tag2301) is set to SYNCASHOPT.
For other values of Processing Type (tag11) Synthetic Security Type (tag2301) is set to SYNCASHFUT.
NG Logic
To enable NG logic for SMF, either add GENECRICSMF to the list of w_ng_enabled in or set procedureSwitch node to 'NG' in the incoming message.
SMF NG logic is currently available only for generic SMF objects (doesn't support Multileg and FX Forward security).
Since SMF Generic is loaded via DBML request (it uses XSLT like Warehouse objects). If not or an empty profile file is created CORE XSLT would be used for DBML request creation – it may be a valid choice if NG SP have same parameter list with current core version.
However if a profile is created and it is not empty (it should contain any symbol – this condition is used like a trigger) custom created XSLT would be used - ./../../customer/in/xml/xslt/smf_egl_gen_interface_ng.xsl
Custom NG SP name option is available – in order to rename the SP that should be called as NG it is necessary to create the following variables in
W_'+Upper(:varObjectType:)+'_NG_SCHEMA_NAME – for schema name
W_'+Upper(:varObjectType:)+'_NG_PACKAGE_NAME – for package name
W_'+Upper(:varObjectType:)+'_NG_SP_NAME – for NG SP name
For each of them in the case the variable does not exist default value would be used:
Core schema name for schema name
Core package name + _NG – for package name
Core SP name + _NG – for NG SP name
Example of Use