About the Generic SMF Object
Generic SMF is the EagleML describing a single generic security object. It includes all SMF fields.
There are two streams used to load it,
eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_smf_generic - the main stream (click to read more about smf_generic interface);
eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_smf_mi - advanced stream, designed to split incoming file into several copies with specific file masks, which are then processed by separate XSLTs and passed to the reference stream to load to DB. This means that you should use smf_mi when you want to load specific model(s), like Issuer model, Schedule model etc. Read more about smf_mi inbound interface on this page.
See the data map to check required and optional data fields for Generic SMF EagleML object.
Review a Generic SMF EagleML data record sample for smf_generic stream. Review a Generic SMF EagleML data record sample for smf_mi stream.
Currently for SQL clients, SMF objects are supported Eagle v13.0. Eagle does plan on supporting earlier versions in the future, but this work is not yet scheduled.