Create a Prospective Expense Adjustment
In the Create a Prospective Expense Adjustment panel, you can add a prospective expense adjustment or you can add a prospective income adjustment for an entity.
To create a prospective expense or income adjustment:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Expenses > Expense Adjustments > Create Prospective Expense Adjustment.
You see the Create Prospective Expense Adjustment panel.Specify the entity, accounting basis, and share class for the expense or income you want to adjust.
In the Expense Account Name box, select the name of the account you want to adjust.
The field lookup displays only accounts where the Rec/Pay Event has a Rec Pay Category value of Prospective Expense Adjustments or Prospective Income Adjustments.In the Accrual Beginning Date and Accrual Ending Date fields, indicate the starting date for the accrual or enter a date range.
In the Accrual Amount box, specify the amount of the adjustment.
As with a fixed expense, the amount you enter is the amount accrued for each accrual period. For example, daily.In the Accrual Currency field, specify the currency to use for the accrual.
All fields, with the exception of the Accrual Ending Date field and the Calendar/Business Days field, are required.Click Submit.