Edit an Expense Based Expense

Edit an Expense Based Expense

In the Edit Expense Based Expense Accrual panel, you can change accrual parameters for expense based expenses. You can update the expense based expense rule and the rate used to calculate the expense accrual. You must also specify an effective date for the update.

To edit an expense based expense:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Expense > Expense Based Expense > Edit Expense Based Expense Accrual.
    You see the Edit Expense Based Expense Accrual panel.

  2. Specify the criteria to select the expense based expense that you want to edit.
    For example, you can identify the entity/accounting basis, share class, and primary expense account name for the expense you want to edit. 

  3. Complete the remaining options in the Edit Expense Based Expense Accrual panel.
    You can change the Effective Date, Expense Based Rule Name, and Rate Value field values. 

  4. Click Submit.