Create Variable Expense Panel Options

Create Variable Expense Panel Options

In the Create Variable Expense panel, you can add a variable expense or a tax expense based expenseThe following are the options in the Create Variable Expense panel. 







Fund Information



Entity ID


Specifies the entity identifier.

Entity Name


Specifies entity name.

Accounting Basis


Specifies the accounting basis. This option allows you to set up an expense on a secondary accounting basis or designate it to a specific class within a fund.

Share Class


Specifies a valid share class. A share class is a designation, usually alphabetic, given to a fund's shares. For example, if you designate the share class as TF, the system accrues the expense against the entire or total fund. You can designate a specific share class if a total fund expense is not required.

You can select a share class at either the Total Fund (TF) or class level for most variable expenses. If the variable expense uses a NAV based or a Ledger Based adjusted NAV expense rule, you can only select a share class at the TF level. If the variable expense is a tax expense based expense that uses a Ledger Activity adjusted NAV expense rule, you can select a share class at the TF or class level.

Expense Information



Replication Switch


Displays the expense replication option that was selected on the primary accounting basis. This field is hidden.

Primary Expense Account Name


Specifies a valid expense account.

Tax Expense


Indicates whether the variable expense is a tax expense based expense. Options include:

  • Yes. The variable expense is a tax expense based expense. The panel hides most of the remaining options. When you select this option, the NAV Component field displays a value of Ledger Based NAV. You must specify values for the Accrual Beginning Date, Adjusted NAV Expense Rule Name, Tax Rate, and Fee Currency fields. 

  • No. The variable expense is not a tax expense based expense. 

Secondary Basis Expense Account Name


Specifies the replication expense account if it is different than the primary account. This field only appears when you select Replicate Expense Accruals and Settlements Diff Rec/Pay and Replicate Expense Settlements Diff Rec/Pay.

Accrual Beginning Date


Specifies the accrual begin date.

NAV Component


Determines the value the system uses to calculate the expense accrual. Options include:

  • Prior Day Total Net Assets.

  • Adjusted Net Assets.

  • Average Net Assets.

  • Current Day's Settled Shares.

  • Current Day's Outstanding Shares.

  • Ledger Based NAV. If you select this value, you must assign an adjusted NAV expense rule with a Ledger Based rule type to the variable expense. If you set the Tax Expense field to Yes, this field displays a value of Ledger Based NAV. Based on the current day processing date.

  • User Defined NAV. Uses user defined, or external, Net Asset Value. Requires you to manually input a Net Asset Value for every processing date. Based on the current day processing date.

Avg Net Asset Freq


Specifies how the system determines the average net asset value in its accrual calculation. This field appears if you set the NAV Component field to Average Net Assets. Options include:

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Semi Annually

  • Annually

TNA Use Prior Period


Determines the value the system uses for the average net asset calculation with regards to prior year end total net assets and the current year. This field appears if you set the NAV Component field to Average Net Assets. Options include:

  • Always include PY ending TNA in average net asset calc. The system always includes the total net assets (TNA) from the last day of the prior year when calculating the average net assets for the current year.

  • Use PY ending TNA only once in average net asset calc. The system only includes the total net assets from the last day of the prior year when calculating the average net assets for the first time in the current year (that is, the first business day). After the first reimbursement is triggered, the system no longer includes the prior year's final TNA when calculating the average net assets. Only current year TNA is used when calculating average net assets.

Avg Net Asset Calc Start Date


Specifies if the system can use NAVs from dates earlier than the Accrual Beginning Date field value when calculating variable expenses that use average net assets. This field appears if you set the NAV Component field to Average Net Assets. Options include:

  • Based on Accrual Beginning Date. The system includes NAVs based on the Accrual Beginning Date field when calculating an average. For example, if the accrual begins on January 1, 2014, the system starts with the NAV from December 31, 2013.

  • Based on Calculation Frequency Period. The system includes those NAVs in the NAV table that fall within the Avg Net Asset Freq field period when calculating an average, even when those NAVs have dates earlier than that specified in the Accrual Beginning Date field.

Adjusted NAV Expense Rule Name


Specifies the name of the adjusted NAV expense rule for the variable expense. This field appears if the expense's Share Class value is TF, and the NAV Component value is Prior Day Total Net Assets, Adjusted Net Assets, Average Net Assets, or Ledger Based NAV. For more information, see Use Adjusted NAVs to Calculate Variable Expenses. It also appears if you set the Tax Expense field to Yes. 

Tier ID


Specifies the name of the variable expense tier rule to use with the expense. A variable expense tier rule has a Tier Type of Expense. 

Tax Rate


Specifies the percentage rate used for a tax expense based expense, in decimal format. This field appears if you set the Tax Expense field to Yes.

Fee Currency


Specifies the local currency in which the asset is denominated.

Calendar/Business Days


Indicates whether business or calendar days are used. This field is populated by information stored at the entity level.

Minimum Fee Amount


Specifies the minimum fee applied if a daily accrual fails to meet the minimum. This field is optional. If you enter a value for the Minimum Fee Amount and Minimum Fee Frequency fields, the system compares the minimum fee amount with the actual fee accrued for the minimum fee frequency period. If the actual accrual does not meet the minimum, the minimum is posted instead.

Minimum Fee Frequency


Specifies the frequency of the minimum amount. This field is optional. If you enter a value for the Minimum Fee Amount and Minimum Fee Frequency fields, the system compares the minimum fee amount with the actual fee accrued for the minimum fee frequency period. If the actual accrual does not meet the minimum, the minimum is posted instead. Options include:

  • Daily

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Semi Annually

  • Annually

Maximum Fee


Specifies the maximum fee applied if a daily accrual exceeds the maximum. This field is optional. If you enter a value for the Maximum Fee and Maximum Fee Frequency fields, the system compares the maximum fee amount with the actual fee accrued for the maximum fee frequency period. If the actual accrual exceeds the maximum , the maximum is posted instead.

Max Fee Frequency


Specifies the frequency of the maximum amount. This field is optional. If you enter a value for the Maximum Fee and Maximum Fee Frequency fields, the system compares the maximum fee amount with the actual fee accrued for the maximum fee frequency period. If the actual accrual exceeds the maximum, the maximum is posted instead. Options include:

  • Daily

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Semi Annually

  • Annually

Waiver Information



Waiver Tier ID


Specifies the name of the waiver tier rule to use with the expense. A waiver tier rule has a Tier Type of Waiver. The system processes waiver tiers as it processes normal expense waivers and processes them with expenses. 

Expense Limit/Cap


Specifies a percentage of a variable expense to waive during the accrual process instead of accruing the full amount and reimbursing the fund if expenses over accrue during the accrual period. If you enter a value of 0 (zero) the system allows a full or 100% waiver of the expense. For more information, see Manage Waivers for Expenses.

Waiver Expiration Date


Specifies the waiver expiration date.

Waiver Account


Specifies the waiver account.

Other Information



Accrual Tolerance Amount


Specifies the acceptable difference, which is measured as a percentage, between the current accrual value and the prior accrual value when you updated an accrual.

NOTE: Define an accrual tolerance percent or an accrual tolerance amount. Do not define both.

Accrual Tolerance Percent


Specifies the acceptable difference, which is measured as a dollar amount, between the current accrual value and the prior accrual value when you update an accrual.

NOTE: Define an accrual tolerance percent or an accrual tolerance amount. Do not define both.

Payment Tolerance Amount


Specifies the acceptable monetary difference between the current amount and the prior amount.

NOTE: Define a payment tolerance amount or a payment tolerance percent. Do not define both.

Payment Tolerance Percent


Specifies the amount the payment can differ from the accrued balance as a percentage of total net assets.

NOTE: Define a payment tolerance amount or a payment tolerance percent. Do not define both.

Trueup Spreading Method


Indicates the calculation frequency. Options include:

  • 1 Day

  • Days in Month

  • Days in Fiscal Quarter

  • Days in Calendar Quarter

  • Days in Fiscal Semi

  • Days in Calendar year

  • 12 Months

  • User Defined

Trueup Spreading Days


Specifies the number of days used in the trueup calculation if you use a User Defined trueup spreading method. This field appears if you set the Trueup Spreading Method option to User Defined.