About Trades for Buy Sellbacks and Sell Buybacks

About Trades for Buy Sellbacks and Sell Buybacks

You can book open and close trades for buy sellbacks/sell buybacks, convert trades, and modify non financial trade data for buy sellbacks/sell buybacks. 

About Trades for Buy Sellbacks and Sell Buybacks

For information about booking trades for buy sellbacks and sell buybacks, see Book Trades for Buy Sellbacks/Sell Buybacks. It describes how you can use the:

  • Open Buy/Sellback panel to create short positions to represent Sell Buybacks and long positions to represent Buy Sellbacks. 

  • Close Buy/Sell Buyback panel to close out a Buy Sellback or Sell Buyback position prior to its maturity date.

  • Convert Buy/Sellback panel to load existing buy sellback and sell buyback trades that are outstanding in your existing legacy system.

  • Non Financial Trade Data Modification panel to add fields related to the second leg settlement after the trade is processed: 

How BSB and SBB Trades Settle

Eagle Accounting settles buy sellback and sell buyback trades using the contract cash rule set up at the entity level. There is no change in the accounting entries for settlement except that the processing security type DBIBSB is included in the default contract cash rule, DEFAULTTRDINC.