About Eagle Performance Measurement

About Eagle Performance Measurement

Eagle's performance measurement solution requires that data from Eagle Accounting is transformed or translated for use in performance reporting and analysis. STAR to PACE Direct transforms the accounting data using a cached set of code values for the STAR_PERF_FLOW code category that are stored in the CODES and CODE_VALUES tables in the PACEMASTERDBO database.

STAR to PACE Direct also enriches the accounting data. Examples of the enrichment include:

  • Creating reflexive cash flows to explain changes in cash balances for performance measurement purposes.

    • A Reflexive Flow record is an equal and opposite record that represents the currency cash flow of the transaction. Only when the entity-level field Create Performance Cash Flows In PACE (tag 5398) is set to Yes, does the procedure create a currency cash flow.

    • Contributions, Withdrawals, and FX Rate Spots are currency cash flows. Therefore, only the one currency cash flow created by any of these is inserted into the PACE Cash Activity table. Reflexive flows are not created for currency events.

    • Eagle Accounting creates two cash activity records for one Spot transaction. Therefore, two currency cash flow records are inserted for each Spot transaction.

    • A reflexive flow is not created if the reflexive value is $0.

  • Preparing complex corporate actions for performance measurement by explaining cash movement for non-cash corporate actions.

The system stores the transformed and enriched values in the PERFORMANCE_FLOW_DESCR field on the CASH database in the CASH_ACTIVITY table.

For general information about Eagle's performance measurement solution, see Performance V17.