Add the CPI Index Record

In order to set up a TIPS security master file record, the underlying index security, used to measure the inflation component of the security, must exist.

You can use Reference Data Center to set up an underlying index and add CPI rates as variable rates. Otherwise, if you use Issue Viewer, you can set up an underlying index using the Index panel in Issue Viewer, and add CPI rates using the Add Variable Rate panel. 

You can create an underlying index security by entering information for the following options in the Index panel.

  • Index Name (tag 961). Name of the index to create.

  • Index Description (tag 962). Description of the index (optional).

  • Ticker (tag 13). Ticker symbol of index (optional).

  • Primary Asset ID Type (tag 1432). Cross Reference Type.

  • Primary Asset ID (tag 14). The Primary Asset ID of the index.

  • Processing Security Type (tag 3931). For an index this value is INXXXX.

  • Asset Currency (tag 85). The asset currency of the index.

Add CPI Index Securities in Issue Viewer

To set up an ILB security master file record, you must first add the underlying index security used to measure the inflation component of the security.

To add the underlying index:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Securities > Manage Securities > Issue Viewer.
    You see the Issue Viewer tool.

  2. Click the Add arrow, and then click Index.
    You see the Index panel.

  3. Complete the options on the Index panel. See the Manage Indices in Issue Viewer page for more information.
    The following fields are required: Index Name, Index Description, Ticker, Primary Asset ID Type, Primary Asset ID, Processing Security Type, and Asset Currency.

  4. Click Submit.