Manage Tax Reclaim Receivable Days Offsets

Manage Tax Reclaim Receivable Days Offsets

In the Create Receivable Days Offset panel, you can add the additional days, from the coupon payment date or dividend payment, on which you expect the tax reclaim payment to be due. The offset is based on the issue country, the country where the security was issued, and the number of days.

In addition, you can edit, delete, and list tax reclaim receivable days offsets using the following panels available under the Tax Reclaim category in Accounting Center:

  • Edit Receivable Days Offset

  • Delete Receivable Days Offset

  • List Receivable Days Offset

To create a receivable days offset:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup Tax Rates > Tax Reclaim > Create Receivable Days Offset.
    You see the Create Receivable Days Offset panel.

  2. Confirm that the Tax Reclaim Receivable Days Offset field shows a value of Reclaim.

  3. Click the Issue Country field, and select the country in which the security was issued where you are applying the offset.
    The Issue Country Code displays the code associated with the issue country name you selected.

  4. Click the Days Offset field and specify the offset days.
    The days offset is the number of actual days, from the Coupon date, that you expect the claim to be due. For example, if you expect all cash dividends and coupons tax reclaim payments to be paid 180 days from Coupon Date in Switzerland, enter Switzerland and 180 days, respectively.

  5. Click Submit.
    For example, if Company ABC, domiciled in Switzerland, pays a dividend on April 7, 2004, Eagle Accounting creates the reclaim as due on October 4, 2004.