Tax Accounting Method Examples
You can specify a tax accounting method for each entity. An example of each tax accounting method follows.
Gross Liability Method Example
This section describes the Gross Liability tax accounting method that you can select at the entity level.
Income withholding tax generates both a receivable and a payable amount. A receivable is created as the net amount of the income less the amount of the reclaim, and a separate receivable is created for the reclaim amount, if any. A payable is also created for the unrecoverable tax amount (tax expense). Eagle Accounting relieves both the payable and receivable against cash on the Pay Date. The General Ledger posting and calculations for Gross Liability follow.
Gross Liability Method: Daily Accruals | |||
| GL Account Number | GL Account | Calculation |
Dr | 1007000500 | Income Receivable | (income) - (income * reclaim rate) |
Dr | 1007001500 | Reclaim Tax Receivable | (income * reclaim rate) |
Cr | 5004001500 | Income Tax Expense | (income * (withholding rate - reclaim rate)) |
Cr | 2004000600 | Withholding Tax Payable | (income * (withholding rate - reclaim rate)) |
Cr | 4001000100 | Income | (shares * rate) / (par * coupon /days) |
Gross Liability Method: Coupon Pay Date | |||
| GL Account Number | GL Account | Calculation |
Dr | 1010000100 | Cash | (income - (income * withholding rate) |
Dr | 2004000600 | Withholding Tax Payable | (income * (withholding rate - reclaim rate)) |
Cr | 1007000500 | Income Receivable | (income - (income * reclaim rate) |
Gross Liability Method: Reclaim Pay Date | |||
| GL Account Number | GL Account | Calculation |
Dr | 1010000100 | Cash | (income * reclaim rate) |
Cr | 1007001500 | Reclaim Tax Receivable | (income * reclaim rate) |
Gross Liability Method: Avoir Fiscal on Ex-Date | |||
| GL Account Number | GL Account | Calculation |
Dr | 1007000200 | Dividend Receivable | (shares * dividend rate) + (shares dividend Rate * Avoir fiscal reclaim rate * Avoir fiscal w/ h rate) |
Dr | 1007001800 | Avoir Fiscal Receivable | (shares * dividend rate * Avoir fiscal reclaim Rate) - (shares * dividend rate * Avoir fiscal reclaim * Avoir fiscal tax withholding rate) (Income * w/hold rate) |
Cr | 2002000900 | Dividend W/H Tax Payable | (Avoir fiscal * income) |
Cr | 4001000600 | Dividend Income | (shares * rate) |
Dr | 5002000900 | W/H Tax - Dividends | (income * w/hold rate) |
Gross Liability Method: Avoir Fiscal on Pay Date | ||
| GL Account Number | GL Account |
Dr | 1001000100 | Cash |
Cr | 1007000200 | Dividends Receivable |
Dr | 2002000900 | Dividend W/H Tax Payable |
Gross Liability Method: Avoir Fiscal Reclaim Pay Date | ||
| GL Account Number | GL Account |
Dr | 1001000100 | Cash |
Cr | 1007001800 | Avoir Fiscal Receivable |
Net Method Example
This section describes the Net tax accounting method that you can select at the entity level.
A receivable is created as the net income amount (gross income less withholding tax), and a separate receivable is created for the reclaim amount, if any. The payable for the tax expense is not created. General ledger posting and calculations for the Net Method follow.
Net Method: Daily Accruals | |||
| GL Account Number | GL Account | Calculation |
Dr | 1007000500 | Income Receivable | (income) - (income * withholding rate) |
Dr | 1007001500 | Reclaim Tax Receivable | (income * reclaim rate) |
Cr | 5004001500 | Income Tax Expense | (income * (withholding rate - reclaim rate)) |
Cr | 4001000100 | Income | (shares * rate) / (par * coupon / days) |
Net Method: Coupon Pay Date | |||
| GL Account Number | GL Account | Calculation |
Dr | 1010000100 | Cash | (income - (income * withholding rate) |
Cr | 1007000500 | Income Receivable | (income - (income * withholding rate) |
Net Method: Reclaim Pay Date | |||
| GL Account Number | GL Account | Calculation |
Dr | 1010000100 | Cash | (income * reclaim rate) |
Cr | 1007001500 | Reclaim Tax Receivable | (income * reclaim rate) |
Net Method: Avoir Fiscal Posting on Ex-Date | |||
| GL Account Number | GL Account | Calculation |
Dr | 1007000200 | Dividend Receivable | (income) - (income * w/h rate)) |
Dr | 5002000900 | Dividend Tax Expense | (shares * dividend rate * w/hold rate) + (shares * dividend rate * Avoir fiscal reclaim * Avoir Fiscal tax withholding rate) |
Dr | 1007001800 | Avoir Fiscal Receivable | (shares * dividend rate * Avoir fiscal reclaim rate) - (Shares * dividend rate * Avoir fiscal reclaim rate * Avoir fiscal tax withholding rate) |
Cr | 4001000600 | Dividend Income | (shares * dividend rate) + ((shares * Dividend Rate) * Avoir fiscal reclaim rate) |
Net Method: Avoir Fiscal on Pay Date | ||
| GL Account Number | GL Account |
Dr | 1001000100 | Cash |
Cr | 1007000200 | Dividends Receivable |
Dr | 2002000900 | Dividend W/H Tax Payable |
Net Method: Avoir Fiscal on Pay Date | ||
| GL Account Number | GL Account |
Dr | 1001000100 | Cash |
Cr | 1007001800 | Avoir Fiscal Receivable |
Gross Income Method Example
This section describes the Gross Income tax accounting method that you can select at the entity level.
No withholding tax is recognized on either dividend or coupon entitlements, regardless of how the tax tables are set up. General ledger posting and calculations for Gross Income appear in the following tables.
Gross Income Method: Daily Accruals | |||
| GL Account Number | GL Account | Calculation |
Dr | 1007000500 | Income Receivable | (shares * rate) / (par * coupon / days) |
Cr | 4001000100 | Income | (shares * rate) / (par * coupon / days) |
Gross Income Method: Coupon Pay Date | |||
| GL Account Number | GL Account | Calculation |
Dr | 1010000100 | Cash | (shares * rate) / (par * coupon / days) |
Cr | 1007000500 | Income Receivable | (shares * rate) / (par * coupon / days) |