View SMF Details for Settled Cash

In the Cash Matching workspace's Matched & Suspended tab, you can view security master file (SMF) details for a bank settlement or a STAR accounting settlement. This can help you to research exceptions for cash that did not successfully match during processing.

To view security master file (SMF) details for settled cash:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.

  2. Select the Matched & Suspended tab.

  3. Search for a bank settlement and/or STAR accounting settlement.

  4. Click the settlement.

  5. On the Cash Matching tab, in the Actions group, click SMF Details.
    You see the Issue Viewer tool with query results for the security alias of the security associated with the row you selected.