View Position Details for Settled Cash
In the Cash Matching workspace's Matched & Suspended tab, you can view position details for a STAR accounting settlement. This can help you to research exceptions that you may need to unmatch, examine cancelled transactions or cash placed in suspense, or review other issues with cash settlements.
To view position details for a settled cash:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.Select the Matched & Suspended tab.
Search for a STAR accounting settlement.
Click the STAR accounting settlement.
You see information for the position related to the STAR accounting settlement in the Position Details pane at the bottom of the workspace. This pane includes tabs similar to the Position Viewer's Cash Object tabs.If you cannot see all the tabs at once, you can:
- Click the down arrow at the left of the tabs to show a list of available tabs, and select the tab you want to view.
- Click the arrows at the right of the tabs to move forward or backwards through the tabs, and select the tab you want to view.