Search for Unmatched Cash

Search for Unmatched Cash

In the Cash Matching workspace's Manual Matching tab, you can search for unmatched cash settlements that the system was unable to match during automated cash matching and customize the search criteria and the search options. The search results include unmatched or partially matched bank settlements and open receivables/payables in STAR accounting.

The results can also include unmatched bank settlements associated with cash activity in suspense that was swept into accounting to a default portfolio because they were not successfully matched. You can also filter the results to view only invalid bank settlements, bank settlements created manually in Eagle's Accounting Center, or bank settlements received from an external source.

To search for unmatched bank cash:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.

  2. Select the Manual Matching tab.

  3. Select the unmatched bank settlements you want to view. To do so, you can:  
    - Click Search, and then select New SearchLast Search, or any saved search.
    - Click the Chevron icon to expand the Search Details pane. and complete the search criteria.
    You can search by default on settlement date date range, Primary Asset ID, Cash Event Type, Cash Category, Accounting Basis, Cash Account Number, Cash Currency, Base Currency, Record Type, Entity ID, Private Placement, 114A Eligible, and Private Registration. You can click the Add Search Criteria icon to manage your choice of additional search criteria.
    TIP: To search for multiple Entities and Cash Account Numbers at the same time, enter multiple Entities or Cash Account Numbers, separated by commas, in the appropriate field prior to performing the search. Alternatively, you can select the desired Entities or Cash Account Numbers from a list after performing a lookup within the appropriate field. You can also search for multiple Entity Composites.
    NOTE: To perform a lookup within the Cash Account Number field, you can either leave the field blank or enter one or more characters before performing the lookup. To perform an Entity search, you must first enter at least one character before performing the lookup.

  4. In the Search Details pane, click the Search button.
    You see the search results based on the criteria you selected. You see open receivables/payables in the upper pane and bank settlements below them. For partially matched bank settlements, you can use the values in the Orig Value, Settle Amt S, and Net Amount Local columns to identify the original amount of the bank settlement, the amount previously settled, and the amount available for matching.

  5. In the open receivables/payables pane, you can click the arrow to the left of the row to expand and collapse it.
    Each top level open receivable/payable row can include multiple receivables/payables rolled up within an entity and across entities. All the receivables/payables within the row share the same cash account, security, date, and cash event (disbursement, receipt).

  6. You can manage how data displays for open receivables/payables and bank settlements using the options in the Grid tab.
    For example, you can use the Group by option to group open receivables/payables by security and transaction code.

After you search for and view unmatched cash, you can select open receivables/payables and bank settlements for matching, and then fully or partially match open receivables/payables and bank settlements. Or you can research the open receivables/payables and bank settlements that appear in the search results.