About Payment Frequencies
You can use the Payment Frequency and Payment Frequency Code coupon period fields when you set up fixed income securities for use with Eagle Accounting.
Payment Frequency
Payment Frequency (tag 2287). Specifies the frequency at which the security pays interest. Eagle Accounting provides a complete list of valid payment frequencies in the PAYMENT FREQ code category, as follows. The following values show the Payment Frequency value, along with the Payment Frequency Code value in parentheses.
Daily (1_D)
Weekly (7_D)
Monthly (1_M)
Bi-Monthly (2_M)
Quarterly (3_M)
3 Times a Year (4_M)
Semi-annual (6_M)
28 Days (28_D)
35 Days (35_D)
49 Days (49_D)
91 Days (91_D)
182 Days (182_D)
Annual (12_M)
At Maturity (Mat)
For MBS/ABS securities, valid Payment Frequencies in Eagle Accounting include Monthly (1_M), Quarterly (3_M), Semi-Annual (6_M), and Annual (12_M).
NOTE: The first and last coupon date must be in sync with the payment frequency of the bond.
Payment Frequency Code (tag 472). Specifies the code that represents the payment frequency.
Add Payment Frequency Examples
Eagle Accounting can support any bonds that pay on a certain number of days every coupon period and/or certain number of months every coupon period. If there is a payment frequency that Eagle Accounting does not currently have established, you can add a Code Value to the Payment Freq code category using the following format: Number of days in each coupon period, followed by an underscore and then a capital D - if the bond pays in number of Days. If the bond pays in number of Months, the code value Number of months in each coupon period, followed by an underscore and then a capital M.
Code Value for Every 84 Days Example
For example, if an entity owns a bond that pays every 84 days, you can create a Code Value of 84_D in the PAYMENT FREQ code category.
To create a code value for this example:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation, click Setup > Codes.
You see the Codes workspace.Click the Search chevron to expand the Search pane.
Select search criteria such as a Code Name of PAYMENT FREQ and a Source Name of EAGLE PACE, and then click Search.
You see a row for the for the PAYMENT FREQ code category,Expand the row to view related code values, and confirm that you need to add a new value.
Click Add Code Value at the end of the list of codes.
You see a new row.Enter 84_D in the Code Value Short Description column, Every 84 Days in the Code Value Long Description column, and EAGLE PACE in the Source Name column.
Code Value for Every 5 Months Example
In this example, where an entity owns a bond that pays every 5 months, you can create a Code Value of 5_M in the PAYMENT FREQ code category. See the following figure.