Manage Factor Corporate Actions
Eagle Accounting processes all factor payments based on factors in the Corporate Action table. You can only set up factors for securities with processing security types (PSTs) of DBFBFB (Factor Based Debt Instrument), DBFBPO (Principal Only Factor Based Debt Instrument), DBFBIO (Interest Only Factor Based Debt Instrument), and DBIBTR (Trains).
Be aware that factor processing does not use information in the Factor table. Eagle Accounting uses the information in the Factor table to process Paydowns and Payups, enter the default current factor into trade panels, and, in retrospective amortization calculation, to determine the actual cash flows that have occurred.
So that Eagle Accounting can correctly calculate the actual cash flows that occurred during the period being calculated retrospectively, Eagle Accounting requires that all factors for a security be entered for a position's holding period, when running retrospective amortization.
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