Manage Entry Profiles for Forms
When you plan to use a form to add several entries with similar characteristics, you can save time by creating a profile. A profile is a template you can use to add repetitive information in the system. This functionality is available on all panels.
Entry profiles are especially useful for forms that require you to enter data into many fields. Rather than type the data into the fields manually, you can use the entry profile to load data into the fields. You can also use profiles to customize how the results of a query display. By editing the profile of a specific report, you can change column headings or how the data is sorted.
Public profiles are available for use by all members that belong to your Report Profile group. Your system administrator sets up Report Profiles in the User Administration window. Private profiles are only available for use by your User ID.
Save an Entry Profile
You can create an entry profile to store your data entry as it appears in a form or panel. An entry profile stores the data entry you performed for a panel for retrieval at a later time or date.
To add an entry profile:
Access the form.
Enter the data on the form.
Under Form Tools, on the Form tab, in the Profiles group, click Save Profile, and then click Save Profile.
You see the Save Entry Profile dialog box.In the Profile Name field, specify the name of the profile.
In the Publish section, indicate whether you want the profile to be Public or Private:
- Select the Publish this profile to all users check box if you want the profile to be public.
- Clear the Publish this profile to all users check box if you want the profile to be private.In the grid, review the fields and field values included in the profile.
If you want to change which fields are included, select or clear the check boxes beside each row to change which fields are included. Or click Undo all changes to revert to your original field selections.
Click Save.
Apply an Entry Profile
Before you enter data in a form, you can select an entry profile and apply your entry profile information. The entry profile supplies field values for selected fields. You can use the entry profile data as is, or can make additional changes to the form before submitting it for processing.
To apply an entry profile:
Access the form.
Under Form Tools, on the Form tab, in the Profiles group, click Save Profile, and then click Select Entry Profile.
You see the Select Entry Profile dialog box. For each profile, you see the Profile Name, Profile Type, Panel Name, Event Name, Profile Path, and whether the profile is Public or Private.Click the row of the profile you want to retrieve.
If you want to submit the form at once using only the profile information, click Apply & Submit. Otherwise, if you want to review the form and have the chance to add or change field values from those in the profile, click Apply.
The system populates the fields on the form with the information that was specified in the profile. You see the name of the profile you applied at the top of the form.Add any information that is unique to the new entry.
Click Submit.
You have manually entered information using a profile.
Update an Entry Profile
After you apply an entry profile to a form, you can make changes to the form and save those changes to an entry profile that has a different name.
To update an entry profile and save it under another name:
Access the form.
Enter the data on the form. Or select an entry profile to provide field values, and then change those values in the form.
Under Form Tools, on the Form tab, in the Profiles group, click Save Profile, and then click Save Profile As.
You see the Save As Entry Profile dialog box.In the Profile Name field, specify the name of the profile.
In the Publish section, indicate whether you want the profile to be Public or Private:
- Select the Publish this profile to all users check box if you want the profile to be public.
- Clear the Publish this profile to all users check box if you want the profile to be private.In the grid, review the fields and field values included in the profile.
The field values you just changed show an input type of Manually entered. Field values that you applied from a profile show an input type of Derived by Logic.If you want to change which fields are included, select or clear the check boxes beside each row to change which fields are included. Or click Undo all changes to revert to your original field selections.
Click Save.