About Cash Reconciliation

The cash reconciliation process within Eagle Accounting is managed by the Cash Recon console and supporting message streams that match and reconcile cash activity from different sources. The Cash Recon console directs the reconciliation of the accumulated cash activity records from Eagle Accounting and external custodians. Breaks are identified, aged, and resolved within the context of the client workflow. You can generate reconciliation reports for viewing and distribution to downstream systems.

To access the Position Recon console:

  1. From the Accounting Center window, select Reconciliation in the left navigation.

  2. Click Cash Recon.

  3. Click Administrative.

  4. Double click Cash Recon Console.
    You see the Cash Recon console.

Cash Recon Console Options

The following are the key options on the Cash Recon console toolbar.






Allows you to print query results.
Options include:

  • Print Preview. Displays the Print Preview dialog box for the selected Query Result.

  • Print. Prints the current query result using the default printer.

  • Export. Exports the current query results as an Excel worksheet or text file.

  • Exit. Stores your local profile and exits the Cash Recon console application.


Allows you to reconcile breaks displayed in query results. You must select the Query Cash Recon Exceptions results tab to enable this option.
Options include:

  • Override Left Side

  • Override Right Side

  • Post Cash Adjustment

  • Cancel Cash Adjustment

  • Approve

  • Audit Action


Allows you to search any column result for a matching character string value.


Allows you to submit message streams, purge tables, and format results. Options include:

  • Load STAR Cash Activity. Allows you to submit message streams that load the CASH_TXN work table with either Pre-Settled ("Receivables/Payables") or Settled ("Cash Transactions") cash activity from Eagle STAR.

  • Load Custodian Data. Allows you to submit message streams that load the CUST_CASH_TXN work table with cash activity from an external source.

  • Run Match Now. Allows you to submit message streams that reconcile cash activity. The stream name is defined in the MSGSERVICE.INI file by the MatchStream parameter or the MatchStreamWH parameters.

  • Run Cash Assignments. Allows you to submit message streams to assign cash breaks to users.

  • Purge Cash Recon Data. This option is not in use. You must use the Purge and Archive Tool to purge records from work tables.


Allows you to customize the view of query results. You must select a Query Result tab to enable this option. Options include:

  • Show Audit History

  • Hide Audit Area

  • Show Events F4

  • Expand All

  • Collapse All

  • View Row F3

  • Grid Filtering

  • Auto Width

  • Refresh F5


Allows you to navigate across open windows launch Eagle applications such as Position Recon, Trade Recon, Issue Viewer, Book Trade, and Rebook Trade. Options include:

  • Close All. Minimizes all available reports.

  • Check. Displays a check mark indicating the current, available report, including: ESTAR Cash Transactions, Cash Cust Txn/Cash Txn, Data Warehouse, Warehouse Cash, Cash Recon Exceptions, Cash Recon Results Summary, and Total Cash Summary.


Displays the application build, server, and version information.