Set Up Cash Balance Accruals

Set Up Cash Balance Accruals

After you create a cash balance accrual security, you can identify the cash account to use with that security. This cash account, in turn, must be associated with a bank/custodian using a cash account relationship.

Set up the entities, cash accounts, cash account relationships, and bank account relationships associated with the cash balance accrual security, if you did not already create them as part of your cash segregation initial setup.

A cash account relationship allows you to link a bank account relationship with a custody cash account. You can use cash account relationships to associate multiple cash accounts with a single custody account. When you use cash segregation, cash account relationships allow the system to default cash accounts for cash records when a cash account is not provided and for internally generated cash such as for corporate actions. During transaction processing the system uses cash account relationships to apply the appropriate cash account to a transaction.

You can create cash account relationships to establish default cash accounts for different types of cash, such as trade, income, margin cash.

Identify the Cash Balance Accrual Security for a Cash Account

In the Create Cash Account panel or the Edit Cash Account panel, you must define the options specific to use the cash account with a cash balance accrual security.

For the cash account, do the following:

  • In the Cash Account Detail section of the panel, set the Restricted field to Yes.

  • In the Cash Balance Accrual Election section, set the Accrue Interest on Cash Balance field to Yes and enter the Accrual Start Date value.

  • In the Cash Balance Accrual Security section, select the cash balance accrual security to associate with the cash account. Ensure that the cash balance accrual security's settlement currency matches the cash account's settlement currency.

Update Eagle Accounting for the New Processing Security Type and Investment Type

If you added securities with a processing security type (PST) of Cash Balance Accrual Security (CRINTC), consider the impact on any setup rules you created that identify rules for individual processing security types. Also be aware that cash balance accrual securities have their own type of Investment Type (tag 11) code value of Cash Accrual Security (CR), in case you have rules that apply to each investment type.

For example, if you use custom contract cash settlement rules that the system uses to determine whether to settle trades through the contract cash process, and define rule details for each processing security type, ensure you define rules for a PST of CRINTC. Eagle's default contract cash rules include the CRINTC code.