Use Trade Recon Console for DTCC

Use Trade Recon Console for DTCC

The Trade Recon console directs and monitors the trade reconciliation process for the DTCC confirm/affirm exchange approach. You submit message streams to upload trades and DTCC confirms to Message Center work tables and then retrieve eligible confirms from the BLOTTER_CONFIRMS table to compare with records in the BLOTTER_TRADES work table, with matched records are posted to the BLOTTER_RESULT table. You can send matched confirmation IDs to DTCC as affirmed trades and send notifications using the file-transfer-protocol (FTP), MQ Series, and facsimile (FAX) facilities of Message Center.

Submit Message Streams to Process DTCC Work Tables

You can submit message streams using the Trade Recon console to load and process the DTCC work tables. You can upload trades, upload confirms, match trades, and create affirms.

To submit message streams using the DTCC reconciliation approach:

  1. From the Trade Recon console, click Tools.
    You see the Tools menu options.

  2. Click the option for the message stream you want to use.
    Options include:
    –  Upload Trades. Allows you use the dtc-trades stream.to load work tables for a specific trade file.
    –  Upload Confirms. Allows you use the dtc-confirms stream.to load work tables for a specific confirms file.
    –  Run Match Now. Allows you use the dtc-match stream.to load work tables to match the trade information in the work tables.
    –  Run Affirms Now. Allows you use the dtc-affirms stream to generate affirms for the match results.
    You see the message stream successfully submitted message.

  3. The Message Center processes the submitted stream.
    You can use the Message Center console to view the status of the stream execution through completion.

View Trade Details

You can drill down into reconciliation results and view trade details.

To drill down into the trade details for any query result record:

  1. Select any record in a query result and double click.
    You see the Trade Details window with two tabs, Columns and Status.

  2. Click Columns to view the detailed fields for the result record.

  3. Click Status to view the trade status within the trade recon process.
    You see the list of status messages for the selected query result.
    NOTE: If the trade data (except the status) has changed, you can click Data Before Change to view the trade data before the change. 

View Matched Confirms

You can view the detailed confirmation record for a reconciled trade match.

To view the matching confirmation record for a reconciled trade:

  1. Select the record in the Trades query result to view.

  2. Right click Show.

  3. Click Confirm Record.
    You see the Confirm Details window with the detail results.

    Confirm Details window

View Match Summary

You can view the match summary information for a reconciled trade and trade results record.

To view the match summary information for a reconciled trade:

  1. Select the record in the Trades query result to view.

  2. Right click Show.

  3. Click Match Summary.
    You see the Match Summary  window with the detail results.

    Match Summary window

View Trade History

You can view the trade history associated with any reconciliation query result record.

To view the trade recon history:

  1. Select the record in the Trades query result to view.

  2. Right click Show.

  3. Click Show History.
    You see the history detail information with the detail results.

    Trade Recon History Example

Submit Panels to Refresh DTCC Work Tables

You can refresh the BLOTTER_TRADES work table using panels. From the Trade Recon main page, in the Trade Matching Conversion menu, you can click Load STAR Trades to refresh from the Eagle Accounting financial events table. Or, click Load PACE Tables to refresh from the data warehouse TRADES table.

You must complete the Bank Account Relationships setup to map custodian FINS information to Eagle Accounting entity identifiers prior to using these events.