Set Up Master Fund Reference Data for WAM/WAL Calculation
Before you use the system to calculate Weighted Average Life and Weighted Average Maturity values for master funds, review the options you can select at the master fund level and their impact.
About Master Fund Setup
The system can use master fund-level WAM and WAL elections during the NAV calculation process, when the system runs the Weighted Average Maturity or the Weighted Average Life reports.
To set up master funds for use with WAM/WAL reporting, you must identify the master fund’s WAM Election and WAL Election values. The default election for these elections is NULL. You can perform this setup when you create a new master fund or when you edit a master fund.
The Wam Election and Wal Election fields are available in the Create Master Fund panel and the Edit Master Fund/Sector panel. A description of these options follows. For more information about setting up master funds, see Create Master Fund Entities , Create Master Fund Panel Options, and Manage Sector/Fund Information.
Additionally, the system allows you to select a data source at the master fund level for running the WAM/WAL reports. In the WAM WAL Data Source field, you can select one out of four predefined options to specify the data source for the report. You can perform this setup when you create a new master fund or when you edit a master fund. For more information, see Create Master Fund Panel Options.
Option | Tag | Description |
Wam Election | 18059 | Used when calculating Weighted Average Maturity (WAM) during the NAV Calculation process. For money market portfolio composite types, the system can use either a valid option or a NULL value to calculate WAM. For mutual fund portfolio composite types, you must specify an option other than None (N or NULL) for the system to calculate WAM. This option identifies the source of the call, put, or step dates. It also indicates whether to include or exclude cash securities with a processing security type of Currency (CRCRCR). Options include:
Wal Election | 18060 | Used when calculating Weighted Average Life (WAL) during the NAV Calculation process. For money market portfolio composite types, the system can use either a valid option or a NULL value to calculate WAL. For mutual fund portfolio composite types, you must specify an option other than None (N or NULL) for the system to calculate WAL. This option identifies the source of the call, put, or step dates. It also indicates whether to include or exclude cash securities with a processing security type of Currency (CRCRCR). Options include:
WAM WAL Data Source | 18564 | Specifies the data source for the Weighted Average Maturity report or Weighted Average Life report. Options include:
How the WAM/WAL Elections Affect Weighted Average Report Settings
There is a relationship between the Wam Election and Wal Election values you define at the master fund level and the Call Source field and Currency Holdings field values displayed in the Weighted Average Report panel when you run the report for that master fund.
In order to display the Weighted Average Report panel values for the Call Source field and the Currency Holdings field, the system considers whether you are running the WAM or the WAL report, along with the value you selected for the master fund’s Wam Election or Wal Election field, as appropriate.
The following table shows the impact of the master fund-level Wam Election field on the Weighted Average Maturity report settings.
Master Fund Level If you set Wam Election (tag 18059) to: | Weighted Average Report Panel Run for That Master Fund:
| Weighted Average Report Panel Run for That Master Fund:
Call Schedule/Exclude Currency Holdings (CEXC) | Call Schedule (C) | Exclude (EXC) |
Override Table/Exclude Currency Holdings (OEXC) | Override Table (O) | Exclude (EXC) |
Call Schedule/Include Currency Holdings (CINC) | Call Schedule (C) | Include (INC) |
Override Table/Include Currency Holdings (OINC) | Override Table (O) | Include (INC) |
None (N or NULL) NOTE: WAM calculated for Money Market type master funds; no WAM calculated for other types of master funds. | Call Schedule (C) | Exclude (EXC) |
The following table shows the impact of the master fund-level Wal Election field on the Weighted Average Maturity report settings.
Master Fund Level If you set Wal Election (tag 18060) to: | Weighted Average Report Panel Run for That Master Fund:
| Weighted Average Report Panel Run for That Master Fund:
Call Schedule/Exclude Currency Holdings (CEXC) | Call Schedule (C) | Exclude (EXC) |
Override Table/Exclude Currency Holdings (OEXC) | Override Table (O) | Exclude (EXC) |
Call Schedule/Include Currency Holdings (CINC) | Call Schedule (C) | Include (INC) |
Override Table/Include Currency Holdings (OINC) | Override Table (O) | Include (INC) |
None (N or NULL) NOTE: WAM calculated for Money Market type master funds; no WAM calculated for other types of master funds. | Call Schedule (C) | Include (INC) |