View Asset-Level ECL Positions for IFRS

View Asset-Level ECL Positions for IFRS

The Book ECL Asset-Level panel creates an adjustment row in the Cost object for the ECL balance and stage that you can view and track in Position Viewer. Any subsequent transactions to the same ECL position insert an adjustment row in order to update the balance or stage. When you update the current balance or stage, the system moves the current value to a “previous” field on the adjustment row in order to store the prior value.

In the following example, you use the Book ECL Asset-Level panel to enter a transaction for $8,000.00 ECL, Stage 2. Then you view the position in Position Viewer.

In Position Viewer’s Cost Position tab, you can see the $8,000.00 ECL entry for Stage 2. See the following figure.

Position Viewer - Cost Position tab with 8,000 dollar ECL entry for Stage 2

In Position Viewer’s Open Adjustments tab, you can view open adjustments for the $8,000.00 ECL entry, Stage 2. See the following figure.

Position Viewer - Open Adjustments tab for Asset-Level ECL Position for IFRS

In the sample transaction, you now change the ECL to $11,000. The new ECL is $11,000.00. The $8,000.00 value moves to the previous (Prev) fields. See the following figure. In Position Viewer’s Open Adjustments tab, you can see the second row with a value of $11,000 and a previous value of $8.000.

Position Viewer - Open Adjustments tab for Asset-Level ECL Position for IFRS with Two Rows