Book Collective/Group-Level ECL Transactions for IFRS

Book Collective/Group-Level ECL Transactions for IFRS

In the Book ECL Collective Level panel, you can manually enter collective/group-level Expected Credit Loss (ECL) transactions for securities with a processing security type of Expected Credit Loss Group (ECLGRP) when you use IFRS. You can process collective/group-level ECL for an IFRS accounting basis only when the regulatory category is Amortized Cost (AC) or Fair Value - Other Comprehensive Income (FVOCI).

You can:

  • Book ECL at a collective/group-level for a group of domestic or foreign/denominated investments. The collective/group-level ECL for foreign denominated investments is established by local currency.

  • Book ECL against foreign assets where the accounting system properly differentiates between increases and decreases, and accounts for them differently to properly capture variations in FX rate. Increases for foreign denominated collective/group-level ECL allowances are calculated for base amounts by applying the current FX rate. For decreases for foreign denominated collective/group-level ECL allowances, the base amount is reduced by the proportional decrease in the local ECL allowance.

Collective/group-level ECL transactions are basic-specific events. These transactions/events process only on the accounting basis you specify in the panel, even in cases when the entity has more than one accounting basis. After you enter the local expected credit loss amount, the panel uses the current local-to-base exchange rate to calculate the base allowance amount for ECL transactions where the security is foreign denominated. Eagle Accounting can differentiate between increasing expected credit lossses for a dummy asset and decreasing expected credit losses for a dummy asset, and accounts for them differently to properly capture variations in FX rate. For more information, see Collective/Group-Level ECL Examples for IFRS.

Process ECL Transactions at the Collective/Group Level for IFRS

To process collective/group-level ECL transactions:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Adjustments > Expected Credit Loss Transactions > Book ECL Collective Level.
    You see the Book ECL Collective Level panel.

  2. In the Entity Information section, select the entity/basis for the transaction.

  3. In the Issue Information section, specify the Trade Date and Accounting Date, and select the dummy asset ID used for collective/group-level accounting.

  4. In the Credit Quality Stage Information section, select the stage in the ECL Stage box.

  5. In the Expected Credit Loss Information section, enter the Local Loss Allowance value and the Local to Base FX Rate, if the security has a foreign denomination.

  6. Complete the remaining options in the Book ECL Collective Level panel.
    For more information about each option, see the following table.

  7. Click Submit.

Book ECL Collective Level Panel Example

An example of the Book ECL Collective Level panel follows.

Book ECL Collective Level Panel Options

The following are the options in the Book ECL Collective Level panel.







Entity Information



Entity ID


Specifies the unique identifier of the entity.

Entity Name


Specifies the name of the entity.

Accounting Basis


Specifies the accounting basis for the selected entity to process. You can select an accounting basis of IFRS.

NOTE: Collective/group-level ECL transactions are basic-specific events. These transactions/events process only on the accounting basis you specify in the panel, even in cases when the entity has more than one accounting basis.

Base Currency


Displays the base currency of the entity.

Regulatory Category


Displays the regulatory category associated with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the selected entity/accounting basis grouping. You can process collective/group-level ECL for an IFRS accounting basis only when the regulatory category is Amortized Cost (AC) or Fair Value - Other Comprehensive Income (FVOCI).

Issue Information



Trade Date


Specifies the effective date to use for processing. The ECL effective date must be equal to the accounting date.

Accounting Date


Specifies the accounting date for the entity to use for processing. The accounting date must be open.

Monthly Accounting Date


Displays the month end accounting date for the entity. For example, this date occurs in January.

Event Type


Displays the business intent of the transaction. Shows a value of ADD_ECL_GROUP.

Cross Reference Type


Specifies the cross reference type associated with the security.

Cross Reference ID


Specifies the cross reference identifier associated with the security.

Issue Name


Specifies the name of the security.

Asset Currency


Displays the local currency of the security.

Credit Quality Stage Information



ECL Stage


Identifies the Expected Credit Loss stage. The stage tracks the credit quality status of collective/group-level financial instruments. Options include:

  • Stage 1. Have not deteriorated significantly in credit quality or have low credit risk.

  • Stage 2. Deteriorated significantly in credit quality since initial recognition (unless low credit risk at reporting date) and not having objective evidence of impairment.

NOTE: Collective/group-level ECL represents stage 1 and stage 2 assets only. Stage 3 assets cannot be part of a group.

Previous ECL Stage


Displays the previous ECL stage during processing for the selected entity/issue criteria.

Expected Credit Loss Information



Local Loss Allowance


Specifies the value of the local Expected Credit Loss allowance. This is the local expected credit loss amount.

Local to Base FX Rate


Specifies the foreign exchange rate used to calculate the Base Loss Allowance. This is the local to base exchange rate. You can specify a value only if you select a foreign denominated security. Otherwise, the field is locked.

Base Loss Allowance


Displays the base expected credit loss amount. The system uses the current local-to-base exchange rate to calculate the base allowance amount for ECL transactions where the security is foreign denominated. 

Expected Credit Loss Activity



Prev ECL Local


Displays the previous value for the Local Loss Allowance. When you update the current balance or stage, the system moves the current value to this previous field to store the prior value.

Prev ECL Base


Displays the previous value for the Base Loss Allowance.

ECL Delta Local


Displays the local ECL delta value.

Local to Base FX Rate


Displays the foreign exchange rate used to calculate the ECL Delta Base. This is the local to base exchange rate.

ECL Delta Base


Displays the value of the base ECL delta. The system uses the current local-to-base exchange rate to calculate the base delta amount for ECL transactions where the security is foreign denominated. 

Total ECL Base = Prev Base + Delta Base


Displays the Total ECL Base value. This represents the previous value for the Base Loss Allowance plus the delta base.

Other Information



Trade Ticket Information


Contains the trade ticket identification number.

Transaction Notes


Contains user defined information about the transaction.