Efficiency in Processing (3rd Principle)

Efficiency in Processing (3rd Principle)

The third principal in the Eagle Accounting earnings process is efficiency.

Eagle Accounting optimizes efficiency in the earnings process itself, and for the user, by employing the following methods:

  1. Eagle Accounting recalculates amortization yields only under the following conditions:
    - On the first day of earnings for the security
    - When the reference data used to create the amortization yields has changed
    - When the effective date of the amortization rule has changed
    This allows Eagle Accounting to process earnings more quickly and more efficiently, because amortization yields are recalculated only when they need to be recalculated, and thus need not be recalculated daily. This process allows the Eagle Accounting earnings process to finish in a shorter time span.

  2. When a new open/close trade is entered, Eagle Accounting automatically runs the earnings process up to the post date of the transaction. In the event that the trade date of the transaction is prior to the earn thru date of an established position in Eagle Accounting, the earnings code automatically rolls back earnings to the trade date of the transaction and automatically replays earnings up to the post date of the transaction. This process saves users from manually rerunning the global accrue process.

  3. Eagle Accounting automatically kicks off the earnings process when a backdated trade is entered into the system, and the trade date of the new transaction is prior to the ex-date of a corporate action that has a "Released" status for that security. (Eagle Accounting does not process a released corporate action that has an ex-date greater than the current day.) In this scenario, the backdated trade causes the corporate action with the "Released" status to be invoked. Eagle Accounting then invokes the earnings process to bring the earnings up to the ex-date of the corporate action. If there are multiple released corporate actions, from the trade date of the backdated trade to the current day, Eagle Accounting invokes the earnings process up to the first corporate action, and then processes the first corporate action. Next, Eagle Accounting invokes the earnings to bring up earnings to the second corporate action, and processes the second corporate action. This process saves users from having to manually process earnings and corporate actions on backdated trades.

  4. Eagle Accounting automatically rolls back and, if applicable, replays the earnings when you cancel a transaction.

  5. Eagle Accounting automatically kicks off the earnings and maturity process if a backdated trade is entered after the maturity date of the security. This saves users from manually running the earnings process, and also from manually running the maturity process.

  6. Eagle Accounting automatically kicks off earnings when a trade is entered in the system with a trade date less than the post date of the transaction. In this scenario, Eagle Accounting processes earnings up to the post date of the transaction.

Post date of a transaction is, in most cases, the current date.