View Wash Sales in the Wash Sale Adjustments Object

The Wash Sale Adjustment object displays close lot and open lot adjustments to audit open adjustment and close adjustment rows reflecting the incremental transfer of a loss, as well as the adjustment of the wash sale's eligible quantity. Information appears for the Wash Sales Adjustments object only if you use the ESTAR tables to store wash sales adjustment information by converting the wash sales adjustments using the Convert Wash Sales Adjustment panel. Otherwise, if you do not convert wash sale adjustments, you can view wash sales information in the adjustment tabs displayed for the Cost object by default.

To view wash sale adjustments related to close lot and open lot adjustments:

  1. Select the position in the top part of the Query Result window.
  2. Click the Wash Sale Adjustment tab.
    The Wash Sale Adjustment object/table tabs are populated with data, if there is related activity available. Tabs containing data are highlighted. See the Wash Sale Adjustments Object section.
  3. Click on a row to view the entire contents of that row.

Wash Sale Adjustments Object

The following are the tabs associated with the Wash Sale Adjustments object or ESTAR table:

  • Close Lot Adjustments. Displays the reversal of a wash sale disallowance in local and base currency.
  • Open Lot Adjustments. Displays the original and current disallowed loss of a wash sale transaction in local and base currency. It also displays the long and short term indicator.
  • Cancel Close Lot Adjustments. Displays the cancelled closed lot wash sales adjustments.
  • Cancel Open Lot Adjustments. Displays the cancelled open lot wash sales adjustments.