Position Research

Position Research

The Position Viewer is a research tool that enables you to quickly view cost, cash, and income positions across an entity without having to run individual reports. Position Viewer serves as the main accounting research and troubleshooting tool within the Accounting Center. With Position Viewer, you can quickly identify an entity and security with an issue and review the accounting information related to that position.

Work with the Position Viewer Tool

The Position Viewer provides flexible queries for retrieving data, allows you to export data to Excel or to a text file for additional research, and provides a Rejection tab that displays data via a link to the Workflow Manager.

When you access the Position Viewer tool, you see the Query Positions window. This window allows you to query cost, cash, and income accounting data in the Cost Object, Cash object, and Income object. You can query position data for one portfolio, one portfolio for one security, or all portfolios. The query results are displayed on the Query Results window.

When you execute a query, you see the Query Results window. This window displays a list of positions that match the query criteria you entered in the Query Positions window. The bottom part of the window displays the Cost, Cash, Income, (and Wash Sale Adjustment, if appropriate) tabs for viewing data related to a specific position.