SEC Yield Detail Report
SEC Yield Detail Report
The SEC Yield Detail report displays security specific information for entity level SEC yield data.
Grid and Advanced report views include:
- SEC Yield Detail Income Exceptions
- SEC Yield Detail Interest Income Analysis
- SEC Yield Detail Dividend Income Analysis
To create the SEC Yield Detail report:
- From the Accounting Center window, click Reporting in the left navigation.
- Double click Investment Accounting, Mutual Fund Reports, and SEC Yield Detail Report.
You see the SEC Yield Detail panel. - Complete the fields on the SEC Yield Detail panel.
- Click Submit and then click Advanced Report or Classic Grid Report.
The report appears on your desktop for the view selected.
SEC Yield Detail Panel Options
A definition of the options on the SEC Yield Detail panel follows.
Required Parameters
- Entity ID. Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by the entity ID of the entity.
- Entity Name. Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by name of the entity.
- SEC Yield Date. Specifies the SEC yield date. Default is today's date.
Detail Tab Selection
- SEC Yield Income Exceptions Report. Specifies whether to include the SEC Yield Income Exceptions report. The default is Yes.
- SEC Yield Detail Interest Income Analysis Report. Specifies whether to include the SEC Yield Detail Interest Income Analysis report. The default is Yes.
- SEC Yield Detail Dividend Income Analysis Report. Specifies whether to include the SEC Yield Detail Dividend Income Analysis report. The default is Yes.