Manage Reporting Composites
- From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
- Enter Add Entity Composite in the Start Search text box.
- Click the Add Entity Composite link to access the panel.
You see the Add Entity Composite panel. - In the Entity Type field, specify the type of composite you want to create.
Options include:
– Composite. Default. Creates a reporting composite, which is a type of composite used expressly for reporting purposes and comprised of multiple underlying entities each having the entity type of Portfolio.
– Aggregate. Creates an Aggregate type composite. An Aggregate type composite is comprised of a group of Portfolio type entities, Composite type entities, and/or Aggregate type entities.
– Control Center Composite. Creates a composite structure used by Control Center to view the status of an entire complex in a simple rolled up view. You can create a multi layered structure comprised of a master composite, composites, and entities. If you select this value, the Portfolio Type field, Control Center Process Center field, and Control Center Daily and Monthly Map fields appear. You can only add one entity per composite relationship and the Control Center process center assigned to each entity must be the same. - In the Portfolio Type field, specify the portfolio composite type code for the entities associated with the Control Center Composite.
This option is required if you set Entity Type to Control Center Composite. Options include:
– Mutual Fund. Composite includes master fund type entities, such as mutual funds.
– Investment Management Fund. Composite includes basic entities, such as portfolios and benchmarks. - In the Entity Name field, specify the name of the composite.
In the Generate Dummy Entity ID field, specify if the system generates a unique entity identifier for the composite.
Options include No (Default) and Yes.Before you use this field the first time, you must perform the following one-time setup. In the NEXT_INSTANCE table in the PACE_MASTER database, make an entry for ENTITY_ID.
- In the Entity ID field, specify the identifier of the composite.
This value must not contain any blank spaces. In the Accounting Basis field, select the accounting basis of the composite.
The system is installed with a set of values for this field. You can add additional values using the Add Code Values panel. Options include:
– GAAP. The system is set up in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. This is the most common basis.
– IFRS. The system is set up in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
– STAT. The system is set up for use with statutory insurance.
– USTAX. Default. The system is set up in accordance with domestic tax regulations.For composites, the Accounting Basis does not price accounting.
- In the Composite Currency field, specify the base currency of the composite.
If the portfolio base currency and composite currency are different, the system displays a warning message. The message does not halt processing. - In the Entity Status field, identify the composite as Active or Inactive.
- In the Transaction Status field, specify the status of the cash event for the composite.
This value displays a value of Traded. - In the Entity Partition Assignment field, specify the segment of the database where you store the composite transactions.
Entity partitioning is used for strategic high volume clients that require partitioning of the ESTAR database schema. If you do not use partitioning, use the default value of 1. - In the Control Center Process Center field, specify the Control Center Process Center code for the composite.
The Control Center uses this code for queries and processes that push edit test result data to the Status Map tables. This option is required if you set the Entity Type field to Control Center Composite. - In the Control Center Daily Map field, specify the daily Control Center status map used for the composite.
This field appears if you set the Entity Type field to Control Center Composite. - In the Control Center Monthly Map field, specify the month end Control Center status map used for the composite.
This field appears if you set the Entity Type field to Control Center Composite. - Click Submit.
- Close the Add Entity Composite bottom tab.
Add an Entity to a Composite
To add an entity to a composite:
- From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
- Enter Add Entity to Composite in the Start Search text box.
- Click the Add Entity to Composite link to access the panel.
You see the Add Entity Composite panel.
You see the Add Entity to Composite panel. - In the Lookup Composite section, identify the name or identifier of the composite for which you are adding entities in the Composite Name field or Composite ID field.
When you select a composite, the system displays the composite type (AGG, COMP, CTRC), composite base currency, and the Control Center Process Center code for the composite. - In the Effective Date field, specify the date on which the relationship between the composite and the entity takes effect.
- In the Entity Name field or Entity ID field, identify the name or identifier of the entity you are adding to the composite.
When you select an entity, the system displays the entity's entity type and entity base currency, which should match the composite base currency. It indicates whether you can view the entity in Control Center, and displays the entity's Control Center Process Center code. - In the Weight field, specify the target percentage the entity has in the composite list.
The system uses this field to store the weight for an entity associated with an Aggregate type composite. This field applies to composite lists only. - In the Multipartitional Condition field, specify the multipartitional condition.
- Add additional entities to the composite using the pane that appears on the bottom of the Add Entity to Composite panel, as follows:
– Right click the lower pane and select Add Rows.
– Enter the number of rows you want to add on the Enter Rows Count dialog box and click OK. You need to add a row for each additional entity you want to add.
– Complete the fields on each row you added. - Click Submit.
- Close the Add Entity to Composite bottom tab.
List Composite History
To list composite history:
- From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
- Enter List Entities in Composite History in the Start Search text box.
- Click the List Entities in Composite History link to access the panel.
You see the List Entities in Composite History panel. - In the Query Based On field, select one of the following options, and enter the corresponding criteria:
Options include:
– Aggregate. Allows you to list one or more composite to entity relationships associated with a specified Aggregate type composite. You must use the Composite Name field or the Composite ID field to identify the composite.
– Composite. Allows you to list one or more composite to entity relationships associated with a specified composite. You must use the Composite Name field or the Composite ID field to identify the composite.
– Entity. Allows you to list one or more composite to entity relationships associated with a specified entity. You must use the Entity Name field or the Entity ID field to identify the entity. - In the Begin Date field and the End Date field, specify the date range for the composite history you want to view.
This represents the period during which you added or changed the composite. If you leave both dates blank, the system provides a complete history. - Click Submit.
You see a list of entities meeting your criteria in the Show All tab. - Close the List Entities in Composite History bottom tab.