Manage Entities

Manage Entities

An entity is another name for a portfolio. It is a collection of investments owned by the same individual, corporation, partnership, or trust. An entity tracks your trade activity and maintains account positions, as well as all income and expenses.

About Basic Entities

Eagle supports two types of entities: basic entities and mutual fund entities. Basic entities are designed to track transactions and trades for a wide variety of investments including foreign and domestic equities, fixed income securities, and derivatives.

The process for adding a basic entity is fully automated with Accounting Center. You can also add a basic entity manually using the Add/Change Entity panel.

Add Basic Entities

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In the Add/Change Entity panel, you can manually add a basic entity. When you add a basic entity, the system creates an entity record, a record for the entity/primary accounting basis, and accounting periods for the entity/primary accounting basis. If you want to add an additional accounting basis for the entity, use the Add a Basis to a Portfolio panel

To manually add a basic entity:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Add/Change Entity in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Add/Change Entity link to access the panel.
    You see the Add/Change Entity panel.
  4. Complete the options on the Add/Change Entity panel
    Do not complete the Lookup Entity fields at the top of the panel. Those field are used to identify an existing entity that you want to change.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Close the Add/Change Entity bottom tab.

Change Basic Entities

In the Add/Change Entity panel, you can view and change information about a basic entity.

To change a basic entity:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Add/Change Entity in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Add/Change Entity link to access the panel.
    You see the Add/Change Entity panel.
  4. In the Lookup Entity section, identify the entity you want to change.
    You see information associated with the selected entity.
  5. Modify the options on the Add/Change Entity panel
    Certain fields are locked because you cannot change those fields after you set up an entity. Additional fields are locked if the entity has holdings. Examples include Entity ID, Accounting Basis, Cost Method, Cost Method Cash, Account Base Currency, and Accounting Period Frequency. Also note that you cannot change the dates that affect the entity's accounting periods. The Entity Status field is locked. However, you can use the Change Entity Active Status panel to change the status.
  6. Click Submit.
    The system saves the changes you made to the entity, along with any changes made to the entity/primary accounting basis.
  7. Close the Add/Change Entity bottom tab.

Create Profiles for Basic Entities

If you need to add several basic entities with similar characteristics, you can save time by creating a profile. A profile is a template you can use to add repetitive information in Accounting Center. Note this functionality is available on many windows.

To create a profiles for a basic entity:

  1. Enter the entity data on the Add/Change Entity panel.
  2. Click Save Profile.
    You see the Enter Profile Name dialog box.
  3. Enter the name of the entity profile.
    In the Public check box, specify whether you want the profile to be Public or Private.
  4. Enable the Public check box, the default setting, if you want the profile available for use by all members who belong to your Report Profile group. Report Profile groups are set up by your system administrator using the options in User Administration. Otherwise, clear the Public check box if you want the profile to be private. Private profiles are only available for use by your User ID.
  5. Click OK.
    The system creates a profile with the specified name.

Use Profiles to Add Basic Entities

To use a profile to add a basic entity:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Add/Change Entity in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Add/Change Entity link to access the panel.
    You see the Add/Change Entity panel.
  4. Click Retrieve Profile. Or right click and select Retrieve Profile.
    You see the Select Profile dialog box. The Public Profiles tab displays profiles available for use by all members of your Report Profile group, and the Private Profiles tab displays profiles available only for use by your User ID.
  5. Select the desired profile.
    The system populates the fields on the Add/Change Entity panel with the information that you specified in the profile.
  6. Add the information that is unique to the new entity.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Close the Add/Change Entity bottom tab.