View File Statistics and Download Files

View File Statistics and Download Files

In the Monitor workspace, you can view summary statistics and messages for files processed by message streams and EJM processes during a specific period of time as well as save and archive the processed files.

To view file statistics and messages and download processed files:

  1. In Automation Desk, click Monitor Messages Streams>File Statistics.
    You see the File Statistic workspace. 

  2. At the top of the File Statistics workspace, click the icon next to File Statistics to specify the time interval. In the Select Date/Time dialog box, click to select the appropriate date and time option and click OK. Available options include:

    • Date/Time. Allows you to limit the time interval from midnight of the current day to the current system time. This option is the default.

    • Date/Time Range. Allows you to limit the time interval by selecting a date and time range.

    • Time Range Only. Allows you to limit the time interval to a specific date and specific time range during that date.

    • Show last # of minutes. Allows you to limit the time interval to the number of minutes prior to the current system time.

  3. Right click a file that you wish to download and select Download File(s). Choose the appropriate location and click Save. To download and create an archive (zip) file, right click and select Download and Archive
    Note that to select more than one file, you have to press and hold the CTLR key, click to select the files, and then right click.
    To view messages that are specifically associated with the files you selected, right click and select Show Messages and select Last 50Failed, or Data Errors.

  4. To view messages for all files processed during the specified time interval, click the Show Messages button on the ribbon and select Last 50Failed, or Data Errors.
     - When you select the Last 50 option, you see the last 50 messages processed for the specified time interval. 
     - When you select the Failed option, you see only the failed messages during the time interval.  
     - When you select the Data Errors option, you see only the data error messages during the time interval.

  5. If needed, refresh, print, or export the information displayed in the workspace.