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The following figure shows details from the Cost object for the results of a manual trade booked using the Book Trade tool. The Position Viewer details display an open lot transaction to the position. In this example for an initial Buy trade, data is available in the Summary, Cost Position, and Open Lot tabs. The Cost Adjustment, Close Lots, and other tabs contain no data.

Image RemovedPosition Viewer - Cost tabsImage Added

If you click a row to view the entire contents of that row, you see the View Row Data dialog box. The following figure shows a trade row in the Open Lot Lots tab.

Image RemovedPosition Viewer - View Row dialog boxImage Added

Click the Sort by Column Name icon with the blue arrow column heading to list the trade details in alphabetical order. All data that was either entered or derived by the system upon trade entry is displayed within the detail of the lot/position's Cost object. The previous figure above shows only a small number of the total data values that are available. When a trade is processed, the system enriches the data. In the above example, the Cost object details display Base and Local Accrual and Amortization detail, as well as Original Cost, Face, and Unit Cost.

If you wish to view any additional trading activity processed against this entity/holding, right-click anywhere in the Position Viewer window workspace and click Refresh.

In the following figure, you can see that since a Sell was processed against the position, the Close Lots tab and the Close Activity tab are highlighted. The Close Activity tab shows the close/sell activity per trade. The Close Lots tab displays the close activity at the lot level.

Image RemovedPosition Viewer - Open Lots tabImage Added

You can use the Event Sequence assigned to each piece of position activity to track the history of each position's trading activity where it occurred in relation to other Buys, Sells, Cancels, and so on. In the following figure, the Open Lots tab shows two buy transactions with Event Sequences of 1 and 2. 
