View Job Status Information

In the Monitor workspace, you can quickly locate and view a specific group of jobs, filter to show jobs that have actually run, all jobs that are scheduled and waiting to run, or all jobs that have a specific Effective Date.

To view job status information:

  1. In Automation Desk, in the left navigation pane, click Monitor >Jobs/Events.
    You see the Monitor Workspace.

  2. Click the Event Type drop down and select Job.

  3. Click the Job Type drop down to select Basic, Dynamic, Static, or all job types.

  4. To view jobs that actually ran, leave the default as Actual Start Date Time. To view all jobs that are scheduled and waiting to run, click to select Scheduled Start Date Time. To view all jobs with a specific Effective Date, click to select Effective Date.

  5. Select the date by clicking the calendar icon next to From/To date and time. To specify the date via macros, click the calendar icon next to From/To date and time, click the macro drop down, and select a macro. Select the time and click OK.

  6. Select additional search criteria, if needed, and click the green Search button.

  7. In the search results, click the job that you wish to view.
    You see bottom panes with information for the events processed for this job.

  8. In the left bottom pane, click the List, Run Details, Dependencies, and SLA tabs to view the list of events, stream messages, job dependencies, and service level agreement statuses, respectively. Click the rows in the left bottom pane to view details in the right bottom pane.

  9. In the right bottom pane, click the View Job Definition link to display details of the selected job. Click Close to close the Job Definition dialog box.

    Job Definition Dialog Box
  10. In the right bottom pane, click the View Feed Errors link to display the errors. Click Close to close the Feed Errors dialog box.

    Feed Errors Dialog Box
  11. To display the job's execution details in the full pane mode, click the upward arrow in the right bottom pane. To close the full pane mode, click the X in the Job Execution Details bottom tab.

  12. To export the data displayed in the workspace, click the Distribution drop down, click Export and select the file format.

  13. To refresh the data displayed in the workspace, click the Refresh drop down and select Screen.