Report on Wash Sales

The Wash Sales report displays the wash sale deferral and reversal activity for a specified date range, including the cost of the block sold, the sell that created the loss, the open lot replacement shares that received the cost adjustment including any wash sale cost adjustment reversals.

Grid report views available for this report include:

  • Wash Sale Deferrals. This view displays base and local deferral details.

  • Wash Sale Reversals. This view displays base and local reversal details.

  • Wash Sales Summary. This view displays wash sales with deferrals and reversals summarized.

  • Wash Sales Report (Legal Size Paper). This view displays the deferrals and reversals for tracking wash sales.

Advanced report views available for this report include:

  • Wash Sales Details. This view displays wash sales deferral and reversal details.

  • Wash Sales Summary. This view displays wash sales deferrals and reversals summarized.